The second heart transplant was done last night

A new chance for the 22-year-old boy to live

The second heart transplant was done last night

Top health professionals from the public and from the private health providers, have joined forces for a second time, for a higher goal – saving human lives. They have done a surgery that lasted four hours, in the premises of the state Cardio – Surgical clinic, last night, during which the 22-year-old boy had undergone a successful heart transplantation.

The team which had completed the surgery was led by the Academician D-r Jean Mitrev, together with D-r Nikola Hristov and prof. D-r Sasko Jovev, from the state Cardio – Surgical clinic. Many thanks to the other members of the team, from the Clinical Hospital Zan Mitrev, who took part: D-r Tanja Angjuseva, Aleksandra Temelkovska, Katerina Ristovska-Janev and Aleksandra Ristovska-Tunev.

Certainly, a great gratitude to The Ministry of Health and Venko Filipce