A patient is treated with a smile, with a good word and with a friendly look

June 06,2018

Bahtija Lajchi is our patient who comes from neighboring Kosovo, and she stayed in our hospital on the third apartment floor, together with her daughter. One of many families who came worried and left happy. In her apartment she was constantly accompanied by her daughter Lindita Lajchi, who lives in New Jersey, USA, and she came here specially, in order to help her mother in her most difficult moments. Of course, her son and the other daughter from Kosovo visited her as well and they observed the situation of their mother. A typical example of how children take care of their parents when needed, or we would say, when necessary. A positive example that everyone should follow. However, what was happening until the patient’s arrival at Zan Mitrev Clinic? What are all the places that a patient visits, seeking for salvation for his/her problem? Who will open or close the door?

We start the conversation with the daughter Lindita, now visibly calm, unlike the day she brought her mother to our clinic, who tells us what they went through before they came here.

– Once I heard that my mother was sick, I immediately came from the United States. We took her to the public hospitals in Peć and Pristina, however it was worthless. No examinations, no medications, they didn’t administer anything to my mother while she was staying in the hospitals. We knew she had just suffered a heart attack and that was all. After a few valuable days, lost in the corridors there, I decided to bring her to Zan Mitrev Clinic – says Lindita.

Her mother, Bahtija Lajchi joined the conversation with her personal testimony of her experience.

– I started to feel jaw numbness and chest pain, and after this I had a minor heart attack and I immediately went to a doctor in Pec. They immediately transferred me to the hospital in Pristina with an ambulance vehicle. When I was admitted by the doctors there, they asked me who sent me there and why I came. I even felt guilty that I had come there. I told them that I did not come to my own will, but due to a major problem, hoping that my life will be saved. The doctor who was on duty did not want to examine me at all, he only said that I was fine. I was there for 6 days and they did not conduct any examination, I just stayed in the room. One day they performed an ECG examination, one day they took blood for a blood test and that was all, they did not perform any other examination. They did not even tell me that I am supposed to have a surgery. Simply, they did not want to look at me. At least they could have suggested some sort of a solution about the place where I should be treated. Nothing. When my daughter asked why they would not perform a coronarography, they said that it is not that simple, that the list for this examination is huge and people wait long for such an examination. After I understood the situation, I said I wanted to go home. I do not have any help here, I want to go home, that is what I told them. Then we decided to go to Zan Mitrev Clinic where they received me in a manner a patient should be received, even more than that. They urgently performed all the examinations here, they did not wait even an hour. The problem was detected that same day, it was a matter of clogged blood vessels, and a surgery was immediately scheduled in your clinic, when a bypass was placed. Now I feel very well and I am already getting ready to leave home – tells Bahtija with a smile.

They had heard about Zan Mitrev Clinic from friends and relatives who were treated here, as well as from our employees who come from Kosovo. They knew that it was a matter of supreme medical care and a professional team equipped with the most sophisticated equipment that science can offer to medicine at this moment, so after the lost days in the state healthcare system, they came to the clinic.

– We were offered other hospitals as a solution as well, but when we saw that the same doctors who did not even look at us in the state institutions, also worked there, we decided to search for a solution in the right place because we did not have time to waste. Anything could have happened to my mother. I found you on the Internet and I scheduled an examination. My mother’s surgery went perfectly well and now we are getting ready to go home. I would like to thank the entire team who took care of us as if we were their family. I live in the United States and I know that the patient is treated as God there, and the same is here, in Zan Mitrev Clinic. The hygiene is even better than in the hospitals in the United States, and people are friendlier. Everything is at the highest level, the closeness, the family feeling is everywhere in the hospital. Believe me, it is very important that we see the doctors and the other staff smiled, in a good mood. That means a lot for a patient. A patient is treated with a smile, with a word and with a friendly, honest look. I have experienced that here and I am glad – Lindita ends the conversation.