Zan Mitrev Clinic among the students at the “International Medical Scientific Congress”

Participation in congresses

April 04,2024

Zan Mitrev Clinic once again together with the students, focused on conveying knowledge and practices and in order to provide better, more qualified medical staff in the future. This year again, teams from our clinic participated at the 41st International Medical Scientific Congress of the Macedonian Medical Students Association. At this congress, which lasted from May 12 to May 15 in Ohrid, which is considered one of the most important congresses for the students of medicine and young doctors, scientific papers of the students were presented and lectures and workshops were held by renowned professors from the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje, as well as foreign lecturers.

The workshop organized by Zan Mitrev Clinic included two lectures by VMS Vesna Naumoska on the history of Basic Life Support and a lecture by Dr. Marko Gjorgon on the implementation of Basic Life Support according to the latest recommendations from the European Resuscitation Council (2015 guidelines), followed by hands-on workshop on a phantom.

– The students showed great interest in the workshop, which is also proven by their attendance of more than 80 participants, divided in several groups. The practical hands-on workshop caused the greatest interest. My impression is that generally there is a lot of interest in this kind of workshops since it is a matter of future doctors in medicine – stated Dr. Marko Gjorgon after the held workshops.

The event, attended by more than 200 participants, was sponsored by the Deanery of the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje, as well as many other companies related to human health, whereby Zan Mitrev Clinic contributed too.