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The Center for Pain in the “Zan Mitrev” Clinical Hospital is a specialized healthcare providing modern and multidisciplinary treatment. This center can improve the quality of life of the patients suffering from acute, chronic pain, or pain caused by a malignant disease.
Conditions most frequently treated in the Cener for Pain in our hospital:
Migraine is a frequent occurrence and almost an integral part of the painful sensations of the modern human. This pain can be manifested as a pulsating pain, pressure in the temples, or it can be a result of a hormone disbalance.
Migraine attacks can be treated with certain antirheumatic or analgetic medications, but often, they require special migraine medications. They are efficient mainly if used at the beginning of the attack.
Trigeminal neuralgia is manifested with a very strong pain along one side of the face. Postherpetic neuralgia and neuropathy are painful conditions resolved in our center with non-invasive methods using intravenous analgetic therapy.
Spinal pain
The most severe pain occurs in discus hernia. This type of pain is most frequently manifested in the lumbar part of the spine and in rarer cases, in the neck area, and it can also occur due to spondylosis of the spine. The therapy is non-invasive, usually with medications, but ultrasound therapy is also used.
This is a progressive, chronic, degenerative disease. During onset, the treatment is based on intravenous application of medications. The joint blockages are highly effective, and the physical therapy enables better mobility of the joint.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic rheumatic disease which usually impacts the hand and feet joints. Due to damage of the peripheral nerves, neurological pain medications as applied. Ultrasound therapy and blockage are indicated for this disease.
Pain caused by malignant diseases
Pain caused by malignant diseases can be treated and mitigated. A combination of various analgesics and co-analgesics is usually prescribed. This therapy starts when the pain has low intensity. From the array of pain therapies, an epidural catheter can be placed. Our center for treatment of pain can provide psychological support for patients with malignant pain.
General endotracheal anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia
Epidural anesthesia for intraoperative and postoperative treatment of pain
Regional blocks – cervical block, femoral block, axillary block and other
Одделите за интензивна и полуинтензивна нега се опремени со инвазивен и неинвазивен мониторинг, респиратори и вакууми на секој болнички кревет. Во двата оддела е обезбеден негативен притисок, на располагање се и соби за изолација кои се наменети за пациенти со докажани или суспектни инфекции.
Anesthesiology outpatient facility includes anesthesiology examination of the patients planned for surgery, anesthesiologic support of outpatient interventions such as gastroscopy, colonoscopy, cystoscopy, placement of JJ probes, angiographic interventions that require analgosedation and treatment of chronic pain.
The pediatric intensive care and treatment unit includes cardiosurgical intensive care of pediatric patients (pediatric patients from infancy to 16 years of age after a cardiosurgical correction of a congenital heart defects) as well as neonatal intensive care (neonates from the first day).
Spec. in anesthesiology and resuscitation
Spec. in anesthesiology and resuscitation