
Dermatoscopy is a fast method used to examine pigmentation (mole) and non-pigment skin changes. It enables a precise and early screening of skin carcinomas. The recommendations suggest that everyone should perform a screening of their moles at least once a year. The timely diagnostic of each and every change to the skin is especially significant and can lead to complete recovery.


Medical and hygienic treatment

This treatment is performed in several steps:

  • Cleansing of the face (removal of makeup or other cremes already applied to the skin);
  • Preparation of the face for cleansing using Vapazon for about 20 minutes;
  • Using an ultrasound spatula for comedo extraction;
  • After a through cleansing of the face, a hydration mask is placed to calm the skin.

Based on a recommendation of a dermatology specialist, this treatment is especially used for adolescents having puberty acne and comedones. This can also be used in preparation for other treatment sand peelings.


Noninvasive treatment for precise and painless removal of:

  • Virus warts
  • Papilloma
  • Keratoses
  • Telangiectasias

It is performed in an outpatient facility without side effects such as bleedingor scarring.


Imagine if, with only one treatment you could give your skin cleansing, peeling, and hydration without any recovery requirements!
We present to you the HydraFacial treatment, which you can apply during your lunch break and immediately return to what you were doing, and the results will be visible instantly.
The first stage is hydradermabrasion, which gently removes the dead skin cells and improves the skin tonus and texture.
The second stage is chemical peeling, which penetrates into the bottom layers of the skin and removes the excess sebum, as well as the acne causing bacteria.
The third stage is extraction used to painlessly extract the content of clogged pores, cleansing the skin from impurities.
The fourth stage is hydration and antioxidant protection, which imbues the skin with moisture and basic nutrients, providing it with a healthy and shiny appearance.
Discover the secret of the perfectly nurtured skin!

It cleans, rejuvenates, exfoliates, and deeply nurtures the skin – 4 precious steps into just 1 treatment, the HydraFacial facial regeneration treatment.
Hydrafacial has lots of benefits for your skin and here are some of them:

  • It improves the tonus and the texture of the skin, making it smooth, soft, and shiny.
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and enlarged pores.
  • Treats some types of acne, redness, and hyperpigmentation.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, thus improving the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • Does not cause pain, irritation, or redness and it is suitable for all types of skin.
  • Provides immediate and long-lasting results, already visible after the first treatment.
  • An ideal treatment for anyone who wants to refresh and regenerate their skin without any invasive or expensive procedures.

Hydrafacial is quick and easy, takes only 30 minutes and does not require any recovery time.



In recent years the so-called fillers (or dermal implants) have gained much popularity. They are products that are injected in the skin, thus filling the creases, increasing the volume of the lips, and remodeling the contours of the face.

The fillers that are used are based on hyaluronic acid – a product that is naturally a part of the composition of the skin. This minimizes any side effects from injecting it.
The basic function of hyaluronic acid is to absorb and retain water. It can absorb as much as 1000 times its volume of water. Thus, it attracts water and maintains its quantity in the space between the cells, hydrating your skin and increasing its volume.

Depending on the individual metabolism of the patient, hyaluronic acid breaks down at different rates within 1 to 2 years. In the event of a small touch up after the first 8 to 12 months, the effect may last even longer.



There are many dilemmas about Botox, and here are a few recommendations for you

  • It is never early for Botox, the sooner you do it the fewer wrinkles will be created.
  • Usually, the first wrinkles appear around the eyes.
  • The wrinkles on the forehead appear as a consequence of the everyday facial expressions and become increasingly noticeable every day.
  • By applying Botox, you will smoothen your forehead and the wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Botox is also used to reduce migraine type headaches and it is very effective in resolving perfuse sweating of the armpits and palms.
  • We advise selecting a SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN to apply the Botox.

The Botox that our esthetic dermatology department uses is registered on our market, and it is also approved by the #FDA and has a duration period from 6 to 8 months.

Experts say that the right time for Botox is when you start to see wrinkles that do not disappear even after you have relaxed the muscles on your face.

This usually happens between the age of 25 and 35, but it varies from person to person.
The earlier you start with Botox, the longer you will retain your youthful appearance and prevent the onset of deep wrinkles.



Biorevitalization is a minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid, amino acids, peptides, and antioxidants.
This procedure results in:

  • A natural and fresh appearance of the face – improving the elasticity and the tonus of the skin
  • Filling the fine creases
  • Stimulation of collagen.

This procedure can be applied to the face, neck, and decolletage.
Make life beautiful – awaken the beauty in yourself!

Биоревитализација без игла

You have an important event, and you need a quick skin lift that does not require a period of recovery?

Then needle – free biorevitalization is exactly what you need!
This treatment is completely noninvasive and needle – free.
PRTX-33 gel is applied as a form of peeling which hydrates and tightens deeply without flaking of the skin.

Therefore, after the treatment you can immediately return to whatever you had been doing because there is no need to take time to recover.
-After this quick procedure, the skin is not sensitive to the sun and therefore this procedure can be performed both during the summer, as well as in winter.
-Needle – free biorevitalization is a modern skin rejuvenation method that stimulates natural skin regeneration.
In addition, it also facilitates the successful treatment of acne, scars, stretch marks, surface wrinkles, melasma, hyperpigmentation, and other types of photoaging and skin irregularities.
Your skin will be deeply hydrated, fresh, vibrant, and tight.
The changes are visible immediately, and for the best effect we recommend 3 treatments of this kind.


Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is a noninvasive medical treatment that uses acid solutions with different concentrations to remove the surface layer of the skin. This treatment improves the texture of the skin, removes the existing pigmentation, treats scars from acne, and achieves significant effects against the signs of aging.

Depending of the type and the concentration of the acids, there are three types of chemical peelings: surface, moderately deep, and deep. To achieve the best effect requires 4 to 10 repetitions of the treatment.

The skin, being the biggest organ of the body, serves as the main protective barrier from the environment, but the skin is also a window through which we see inside the organism, and a mirror that reflects what is happening in the organism. Therefore, every change is important, and the timely diagnosis of dermatologic changes means overall health.

Chemical peeling

Correction of bags under the eyes

Are you familiar with the feeling of finally having slept and being rested, but you look in the mirror and see dark bags under your eyes – again?

Therefore, we recommend correction of bags under the eyes with hyaluron, a completely painless treatment which will restore the shine of your face and most importantly that rested look.


How does correction of bags under the eyes actually work?

Removing the bags under the eyes using hyaluronic fillers basically involves filling the area under the eyes and flattening the region between the bottom eyelid and the cheeks. The hyaluronic filler supplements the lost volume, which in turn makes the dark circles disappear.

Correction of lips using hyaluron

Correction of lips using hyaluronic fillers is a simple, safe, and efficient way to restore the youthful look of your lips.

The treatment is applied after having previously applied a local anesthetic in the form of a creme.

The treatment lasts about 15 minutes and is without serious consequences with the exception of swelling and bruising that pass after a few days.

The results are visible immediately after the treatment and last from 6 to 24 months depending on the type and the quality of the dermal filler used and the individual characteristics of the organism regarding the absorption of hyaluron.

Hyaluronic fillers

Although everyone knows hyaluronic filters as the “secret ingredient” to well-shaped and full lips, their application goes beyond this purpose.
Hyaluron is a natural ingredient found in our skin and it has the ability to retain water, fill wrinkles, and give volume.


Here are few examples of regions that can be corrected using hyaluron:

Lips: Hyaluron can increase the volume and the definition of the lips, as well as soften the wrinkles around them.

Bags under the eyes: Hyaluron can reduce the dark circles under the eyes and refresh the look. Hyaluron is injected in the bags under the eyes in the deeper layers of the skin and gives the effect of a rested and youthful look.

Nose: Hyaluron can flatten the small irregularity of the nose, heighten and raise the top of the nose, as well as create volume. The nose hyaluron is an alternative to a surgical correction, and it does not require any recovery time and provides natural results.

Chin and lower jaw: Hyaluron can fix the contour of the chin and the lower jaw, as well as reduce the excess skin on the double chin. The Hyaluron for chin and lower jaw can change the facial proportions, and in turn achieve a toned profile.

The onset of mild bruising is an integral part of the procedure for lip correction and are emphasized more in some patients and less in others.


Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive method performed by injecting active substances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, medicaments) in the dermis and hypodermis of the face, neck, palms, as well as mesotherapy of the body (such as anticellulite and lipolytic therapy).

This therapy takes advantage of the mutual interaction of the mechanical stimulus and the use active substances to achieve the effect of stimulating collagen and fibroblast production, rejuvenation, blanching of pigmentations, and tan equalization, removal of stretch marks, and acne scars, stimulation of hair growth in the event of falling hair.



MaiLi is a filler consisting of hyaluronic acid that occurs naturally in our bodies, which provides natural and long-lasting results.
It has a gel texture and is ideal for filling fine lines, deep wrinkles, redefining the contours, as well as for volume.

Nose correction with hyaluron

If you want to correct the shape of your nose and you want to avoid surgery, we present to you a popular alternative to surgical incisions, using injections!


A simple application of hyaluronic acid can achieve certain reshaping, such as:

  • adding volume
  • flattening of bumps
  • filling of creases
  • raising the tip of the nose
  • achieving a nose elongation effect
  • achieving symmetry

The entire process is short, and the results can last for up to 18 months!

Lanluma collagen stimulators

Have you noticed your buttocks sagging and losing their volume, but you do not have the time to devote to this problem?
We present to you something completely new in our offer, a modern non-surgical solution in aesthetic surgery called Lanluma.
We want to keep up with the state-of-the-art innovations and must highlight that our clinic is the only one in Macedonia offering this body reshaping treatment!


This treatment can help you rejuvenate and tighten several parts of the body.
You will immediately notice an increase of the volume of the treated area, and the results will continue to improve during the following weeks and months.

Lanluma stimulates the production of natural collagen in the skin which gradually increases with time and your transformation will be gradual and natural.

A local anesthetic is applied before injecting the collagen stimulator, thus making the procedure painless, and the results can last from 2 to 5 years!


Another novelty in the aesthetic dermatology center in Zan Mitrev Clinic.

You need to:

• Shape your body
• Reduce cellulite
• Improve microcirculation
• Accelerate the lymph flow
• Increase the muscle tone
• Tighten the skin
• Strengthen the musculature
• Relax the musculature

We have the right solution for you!
The treatments with Tesla Former are performed after a previously conducted free physiotherapeutic evaluation including measuring of the circumference of the limbs, BMI (body mass index), anamnesis, collection of information about medical conditions, checking all indications and counterindications in accordance with the protocol for use of the Tesla device.
The number of treatments is from 8 to 10 for one area. They are conducted every other day because the muscles need a day of rest between two consecutive treatments of one area.
The treatment can also be applied every day, but only if it treats another area, but in that case the number of treatments should increase so that every area gets an adequate number of treatments in order to achieve the expected results.


PRP (Plasma-Rich Platelet)

We present to you the so-called “vampire lifting” or PRP treatment.
What is it all about and why is it called that?
This treatment is based on using blood plasma and platelets of the patient and aims at creating new tissue cells.
The platelets heal the wounds, which in turn achieves growth of new and healthy cells in your skin.


This treatment is used for:

  • Acne scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Tightening of loose skin
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Stretch marks
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Equalized tan

Smoothening of the texture of the skin
The result is visible immediately after the first treatment, and the skin is refreshed, hydrated, tightened, and shiny.


Regular examinations and key for skin cancer prevention, which can be cured if detected on time.
Zan Mitrev Clinic is the only clinic in Macedonia that has a FotoFinder device with Moleanalyzer Pro software that facilitates automatic mapping of the entire body.

With this modern technology we can conduct s detailed analysis of the changes, and the photographs are stored in the database and help monitor the patient’s condition during every subsequent examination.

We recommend that you come for a dermatologic examination at least once a year in order to monitor the status of your moles.
Prevention is the best cure, therefore do not wait, schedule your annual examination!



We present to you a unique aesthetic procedure using a focused ultrasound to stimulate new collagen production in the deep layers of the skin.

This achieves a natural and a long-lasting effect of lifting and tightening of the skin, without cutting, scarring, and a recovery period.

It is ideal for people with mild to moderate loosening of the skin, who would like to improve its quality and texture, as well as to prevent further aging.

The Ulthera treatment can be applied to different parts of the face and the body, such as the chin, neck, eyebrows, eyelids, cheeks, lips, and decolletage.

The results are natural, discrete, and long-lasting, and in the following post we will tell you how many treatments you would need, whether you need to take a few days to recover, and how often would you need to repeat the treatment!


Nordlys Laser

Only in Macedonia, in the aesthetic dermatology department we have Nordlys, the most powerful and technologically most advanced laser from the American premium brand Candela. This 5 in 1 laser platform, available for the first time in the clinic, provides the right solution to dermatology and aesthetic problem such as:

  • Permanent removal of hair,
  • Wrinkles,
  • Scars and stretch marks,
  • Hyperpigmentation,
  • Rosacea,
  • Telangiectasia,
  • Hemangioma,
  • Capillaries and veins,
  • Moles,
  • Warts,
  • Fungal infections of the nails and many others.

Nordlys Laser

Hyperbaric therapy

Oxygen hyperbaric therapies are performed in a controlled environment in a hyperbaric chamber and help the organism to heal, recover, and regenerate faster. It can be used as a sole treatment or in combination with other medical conventional or alternative treatment methods.


This type of treatment can induce significant improvements with respect to the following:

  • Sports performance
  • Cognitive functions
  • Sleep and relaxation
  • Rejuvenation and longevity
  • Postoperative recovery

Indications for hyperbaric chamber application:

  • Microcirculation improvement
  • Activation and improvement of the lymph system
  • Effect against aging
  • Peripheral tissue oxygenation
  • Faster recovery after training and intensive professional sports
  • Increases the process of recovery and healing of wounds
  • Improvement of joints and muscles
  • Improves the overall circulation of the cardiovascular system

Increasing the supply of oxygen to the cells improves the energy level, soothes the inflammatory processes, increases cellular metabolism, and improves the immune system.

The positive effects of such oxygen therapy are visible in several health conditions and diseases such as autism, traumatic brain injuries, strokes, neurological disturbances, sports injuries of the bones and the muscles, surgeries, soothing of inflammation, diabetes, cerebral paralysis, carcinoma, etc.

Hyperbaric therapy