Zan Mitrev's Team

Vladimir Popovski MD, PhD

Maxillofacial surgeon


Professor at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje


Associate Professor at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje


Doctoral thesis at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje


Specialist on Maxillofacial Surgery

1984 – 1989

Specialization on maxillofacial surgery

2023 – in progress

Maxillofacial surgeon – in Clinical hospital Zan Mitrev Clinic

2017 – 2023

Executive of the Council for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Dentistry Skopje

1999 – 2023

Undergraduate studies teaching for maxillofacial surgery and urgent conditions on the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje and on the Faculty of Medicine on the University Goce Delcev – Stip. Postgraduate II and III cycle studies (doctoral studies) lecturing.

2008 – 2023

Professor on the Chair for Maxillofacial surgery

2008 – 2011

Deputy Minister of Health of Republic of Macedonia

2006 – 2008

Head of the University Clinic for Maxillofacial surgery in Skopje

1994 – 2023

Maxillofacial surgeon at the University Clinic for Maxillofacial surgery in Skopje

1989 – 1994

Maxillofacial surgeon in Clinical hospital Bitola

1984 – 1989

Doctor on specialization on maxillofacial surgery

1982 – 1984

Doctor secondary the department for maxillofacial surgery at medical center Bitola

2007 -2013

Director of EACMFS Educational training center for South Eastern Europe under the auspices of EACMFS and UKIM. Organized and realized seven courses within two accredited programs

2000 – 2007

Principal researcher and coworker in one international project and three domestic scientific and researchable projects funded by the Ministry of science of Republic of Macedonia and MASA.


Team leader on the Project for management of health care hospital system realized in Mineapolis, Minesota, USA funded by the Project for reforms in health care sector supported by World bank.

1989 – 1991

Two professional residences in Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden on the department for plastic and reconstructive surgery


Professional residence on Military Medical Academy – Belgrade on department for maxillofacial surgery

• Operative procedures for branchial cleft anomalies on the face and neck (branchial cleft cysts and fistulas, thyroglossal duct cyst and fistulas)
• Surgery for benign and malignant tumors of parotid salivary glands (partial and total parotidectomies)
• Reconstructions of facial nerve (extracranial part)
• Operative procedures (primary and secondary) in newborns with cleft lip and palate
• Pharyngoplasty
• Operative procedures on submandibular salivary gland (sialadenitis, sialolithiasis, tumors)
• Operative treatment of lymphangiomas of face and neck
• Operative procedures for benign and malignant tumors and cysts on face and oral cavity
• Operative procedures for malignant tumors on oropharyngeal region (carcinoma of lips, tongue carcinoma, palatal region carcinoma)
• Neck dissections – all types
• Surgery on maxillary sinuses
• Treatment of injuries of soft tissues bony skeleton of face and jaws region (fractures of mandible, fractures of zygomatic bone, fractures of maxilla)
• Orthognathic surgery
• Surgical diagnostic for lymphoma of head and neck region

2004 -2015
President of Macedonian association for maxillofacial surgery
Councilor in European association for cranio-maxillofacial surgery – EACMFS
2014 -2018
President of Balkan association for maxillofacial surgeons – BAMS
2006 -2008
Head of the University Clinic for maxillofacial surgery in Skopje
2008 -2011
Deputy Minister of Health of Republic of Macedonia
2014 -2018
President of Macedonian Dental Chamber
Granted with Plaque of Macedonian Medical Association for a significant contribution to the realization of the goals and tasks of MMA
Recognition Award from European association for cranio-maxillofacial surgery (EACMFS) for outstanding contribution in surgery and association (XXth European Congress of EACMFS in Bruges, Belgium 2010)
Diploma of honor on symposia New Horizons in orthognathic surgery, Ferrara, Italy
Recognition Award from European association for cranio-maxillofacial surgery (EACMFS) for contribution in education for EACMFS (XXIIth European Congress of EACMFS in Prague, Cheh Republic 2014)

  • European association for cranio-maxillofacial surgery – EACMFS
  • International Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (fellow) – IAOMS
  • American Academy for Head and Neck Surgery – AAHNS
  • Presidential Board of Balkan Association for Maxillofacial Surgeons BAMS
  • Macedonian Association for Maxillofacial Surgery – MAMS
  • Macedonian Medical Association
  • Macedonian Dental Chamber
  • Macedonian Medical Chamber

  •  Author and coauthor on more than 200 per review articles in the field of maxillofacial surgery and head and neck surgery – more than 50 indexed or with IF
  • Mentor on master studies and theses and mentor on nine doctoral theses with PhD defense and approval on the University “Ss Cyril and Methodius” Skopje.
  • Editorial board member in several international journals with indexation and Impact factor, the highest IF for Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2.1- 2022
  • Author in the international textbook “Maxillofacial surgery for students of medicine” published in Belgrade, 2017.
  • Author of the chapter in the textbook “Maxillofacial surgery” editor author I. Vaskov, published from MANU in Skopje, 2015.
  • Author of two chapters and coworker of the book “Anomalies in Maxillofacial region” editor author I. Vaskov, published from MANU in Skopje, 2007.
  • Author of the chapters and coworker of the book “Odontogenic sinusitis” editor author I. Vaskov, published from MANU in Skopje, 2006.
  • Keynote speaker on the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery Congresses in Bruges 2010, Prague 2014, München 2018, Paris 2021, Madrid 2022
  • Keynote speaker on the International Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Conferences in Barcelona 2013 and Hong Kong 2017.
  • Invited speaker on the Congresses of Balkan Association for Maxillofacial surgeons in Antalya, Belgrade, Ohrid, Ljubljana, Istanbul, Tirana, Zagreb, Pristina)


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