Lana has a happy childhood and grew up into a happy, healthy and positive person

July 07,2019

Lana was born at the University Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics – Skopje on April 14th in the 24th gestation week, with an APGAR of 1/3/4. She weighed only 720 grams and was 33 centimetres long. After 94 days, from which the first 21 days were spent at the UCGO, and then at our clinic, she left home with 2,2 kilos.

Her parents Lila and Petar Gyurchilov thanked the doctors for everything they had done for Lana to survive.

“We won the biggest battle and we are ready for the next life challenges.

Nothing of this wouldn’t have been a reality if these wonderful people, who were part of a team who was tirelessly, day and night struggling to make you survive, did not exist. Without you people, this would not be possible! Enormous gratitude to the Zan Mitrev Clinic, which when we needed it most, took care for us, and did its best to provide us with the most modern conditions and care. Lastly, a huge thank to the Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics too and the whole medical team that kept us alive for 21 days. Never, never lose hope, people, wonders are happening – said Lana’s parents.