The Kukaj family is together and happy again

February 02,2019

The satisfaction of our patients with their health status is our priority, which we measure every day through the smiles that they send us when they leave our hospital happy and satisfied. Although we can not record all of them with our video camera, photo camera and voice recorder, still some remain permanently recorded in our archives of happy stories that depict the global image of Zan Mitrec Clinic.

In this month that passes, but in the previous one as well, a large part of the team was engaged and dedicated to a member of the Kukaj family from neighboring Kosovo. The main fighter is Mrs. Refie Kukaj, 54, who surprised everyone at home with her worsened health condition, after which they all started looking for salvation, a solution, a medicine…

In that race against time, it was our clinic that offered and provided the solution for the complex health condition of Mrs. Kukaj. She stayed in our hospital on two occasions, and then she left home in a significantly good condition.

– The patient was admitted in severe general condition, in a cardiogenic shock, and she was previously reanimated in a hospital in Kosovo. With a surgically placed tracheostomy she came here with quadriplegia, an inability to move the upper and lower extremities, and with a finding of an infection. For a certain period of time she was on a dialysis program with a special filter for blood purification at the intensive care unit, and once her condition was stabilized, she was released home after 20-days stay in our hospital. However, her problems did not end there. The second time, now, she was admitted due to rhythmic instability with approaches to a ventricular tachycardia and in consultation with our electrophysiologist, a special SRT device was implanted in her, whereupon her condition began to improve significantly – Dr. Petar Ugurov stated.

Her son and daughter are overjoyed with the improvement of their mother’s health status. Happy to see her moody, smiled and independent again, they are eager to leave home. They even consider that it is a miracle that their mother stayed alive after so many health problems accumulated in a short time.

We would like to thank the entire team. From such a severe condition when we brought her, to this condition now … it is a miracle indeed, therefore we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You saved our mother for the second time and we will be grateful for this forever. Now she moves by herself, she can feed herself and her mood is considerably improved – stated her son and daughter who accompanied Mrs. Kukaj to their home.