Zan Mitrev's Team

Dragica Vezenkova Vuchkova MD

Spec. in intensive care anesthesiology


University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of medicine, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


High Medical School – Jane Sandanski Stip, Republic of Macedonia – nurses


Certification of English language  – University Koco Racin, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

2005 (November)

Graduated of faculty of medicine, University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

2006 (Маy)

Accomplished State exam acquiring a work license certificate

2008  (Маy)

The medical university diploma within the St. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia was validated in the Medical University in Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia

2010 (March)

Specialization of Anesthesiology and intensive care

2016 (October)

Specialization of Anesthesiology and intensive care

Active participation in congresses, symposiums, workshops with publications:

2010 – First international Medical congress of SEEMF, Варна Бугарија,

  • Early prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia diagnosis and therapy/ V.Vuckova GPD¹ , G. Jovic GPD²: ¹Prime Healt organization Hipokrat, Negotino, ²Specialist in Surgery and Urology Department of Urology; General Hospital of Veles

2014 – “Fifth congress of anesthesiologists with an international participation” in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

  • Tracheostomyа workshop:
  • IABP

2015 – Continued medical education within the anesthesiology workshop in Dojran, Republic of Macedonia


2016 – ARUD 2016 – Balkan States Anesthesia – Orthopedic Anesthesia and Intensive care

  • Workshop for regional anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks
  • Percutaneus Endoscopic Gastrostomy 9PEG) – Retrospective Analysis and clinical experience in Special Hospital Filip II, Skopje,/ Dragica V. Vuchkova; DijanaPopevski; Marko Gjorgon; IlijaNeshkovski; DashurieNeziri; PetarUgurov; Tanja Anguseva; Zan Mitrev

2017 – 19-20 May – IX International summer school for pediatric anesthesia ISSPA

  • Workshop for pediatric cardio – pulmonal resuscitation
  • Workshop for regional anesthesia in children



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Marko Gjorgon MD

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