Zan Mitrev's Team

Konstantin Mitev MD PhD

Spec. in general surgery
Sub spec. after traumatology

Named as associate professor of surgery/traumatology at the Faculty of Medicine at Goche Delchev University, Shtip


Become subspecialist –Trauma Surgeon


Become MD, PHD of medical science


The preparation of the doctoral thesis is accepted, in the field of arthroscopic treatment of the articular cartilage of the knee


Master thesis defense and obtained master’s degree of medical sciences


Completed postgraduate studies in Traumatology


Specialization in general surgery


Passed state exam on 23.10.1998


Medical faculty, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Skopje, doctor of medicine


Secondary School „Nikola Karev“ Skopje

2016 – present

Trauma surgeon – work at the department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, in Zan Mitrev Clinic – Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia


Elected as Associated Professor of Medical Faculty at UGD Stip


Elected as Ass. Professor at Medical faculty UGD-Stip


Head of department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at Special Hospital –Filip Vtori


Assistant in surgery at the medical faculty, Univeristy Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje


City Surgical Clinic St. Naum Ohridski –  Skopje


Health Clinic – Zdravstven dom, Skopje

– 20 years orthopedic trauma surgery, night duties, emergency interventions (repositions, external fixator, thoracocentesis, punctio, cast immmobilisations…), sports trauma and pediatric fractures.

Annually – 150 arthroscopic procedures (knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, cartilage repair), 120 fracture osteosynthesis (upper and lower extremity, pelvis), 10 pediatric fracture, 300 intraarticular application of PRP or ACP and over 2500 medical exams and consultation.


Advanced course in shoulder arthroscopy -Frankfurt, Germany


One month professional stay in Clinic for sports traumatology in Uhingen, Germany


Fellowship at Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic ‘Acromion “-Croatia


One month professional stay in Clinic for sports traumatology in Uhingen, Germany


Advanced course in arthroscopy in Varna, R. Bulgaria.

Advanced course and workshop on arthroscopy, Otocec, R. Slovenia


One month professional stay at the Clinic for traumatology in the Clinic Center – Ljubljana

Advanced course about osteosynthesis, held in Bled, R. Slovenia, under the auspices of AO/ASIF


Course about sports injuries, organized under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee, Skopje, March


Basic course about Osteosynthesis of proximal femur and tibia organized by the European association for Orthopedics and Traumatology held in Skopje, October


One month stay in St.Akershus in Oslo, Norway

  • Macedonian association – Madot
  • German association of arthroscopy – AGA
  • World International Association of Arthroscopy – ISAKOS
  • President of the trauma forum in MADOT
  • Active member in the research committee in the National foundation for transplantation of R. Macedonia

    1. Surgical Clinical Exam for Students and Young Doctors, (Mitev, Arsovski, Mitevski)


    1. Posttraumatic soft tissue impingement of the ankle: Arthroscopic findings and surgical findings. Konstantin Mitev , CONTRIBUTIONS. Sec. Med. Sci., XXXV 1, 2014
    2. Microfracture treatmant of full thikness articular cartilage lesions of the knee: Clinical outcomes. Konstantin Mitev. Physioacta vol.8-no1 2014
    1. Evaluation of the clinical results after treatment of the knee chondral lesions with arthroscopic microfracture., Konstantin Mitev. Acta Anatomica 2013
    2. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation – Artrocel – 3D in knee cartilage repair,

    Konstantin Mitev, Dimitar A Jontschew, Igor Kaftandziev, Trpeski Sime, Trpkovska Biljana,

    Kosova Journal of Surgery Vol.6 No1 2012

    1. Lesions of the articular cartilage of the knee joint: Incidence and correlation between the arthroscopic finding and the magnetic resonance finding. Konstantin Mitev, Slobodan Vuckov, Nebojsa Nastov, Goran Aleksovski, Mihailo Ivanovski. Medicus 2009, vol.XII(2); 146-151
    2. Minimally invasive osteosynthesis, method of selection in treatment of subtrochanteric fracture. Konstantin Mitev, Slobodan Vuckov, Nebojsa Nastov, Goran Aleksovski, Mihailo Ivanovski. Medicus 2008, vol.X(2); 160-165
    3. Arthroscopic evaluation and lesions’ treatment of the articular cartilage of the knee. Mitev Konstantin, Nastov N., Ivanovski M.: Acta Morphologica 2010:vol 7(1);47-51
    4. Clinical outcomes af ter microfracture treatment of full-thikness articular cartilage lesions

    of the knee, Konstantin Mitev, Kaftangiev Igor, Special hospital for surgical disease “Filip Vtori”-Skopje, R. Macedonia, University Clinic of Traumatology –Skopje, R. Macedonia

    1. Arthroscopic Repair of Knee Cartilage Defects with Minced Cartilage Autograft:A 6-Month Follow-Up Case Report Study, Konstantin Mitev, Journal of Surgical Case Reports
    1. Treatment of talus osteochondral defects with arthroscopy debridement and bone marrow concentrate: a 6-month follow-up case report study, Konstantin Mitev, Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 2023
    2. Modified Elmslie-Trillat Technique for Knee Cap Dislocation A Retrospective Study with 5 Patients and 1 Year Follow-Up MITEV Konstantin, Annals of clinical and medical case reports ; 2023
    3. Arthroscopic assisted percutaneous screw fixation of pylon fracture: Case report Konstantin Mitev, MD, Gorgi Zafiroski Saso Mladenovski Ljupco Nikolov JMS 2019; 2(1):8-11 UDC:616.718.5-001.5-089.84
    4. Intraarticular platelet rich plasma injections for treating knee pain associated with articular cartilage and degenerative meniscal lesion–Konstantin Mitev ,: Open acces MjMsci /2019 7 2484-2487
    5. Surgical outcomes after fixation of acromioclavicular joint dislocation with hook plate and coracoacromial ligament transfer technique – Mitev Konstantin ,Zafirovski, Mladenovski ; Open access MjMsci /2019
    6. Arthroscopic reduction and percutaneous osteosynthesis of tibial plateu fractures, Mitev Konstantin , Open acces MjMsci /2019
    7. Surgical plate fixation of multiple rib fracture:Case repport –Konstantin Mitev – Јournal of med Case Report 2018
    8. Evaluation of thoracolumbar vertebrae fractures – Nikolov Lj,. Kaftandziev I , Mitev K- Physioacta 2020
    9. Arthroscopic Repair of Knee Cartilage Defects with Minced Cartilage Autograft:A 6-Month Follow-Up Case Report Study, Konstantin Mitev, Journal of Surgical Case Reports ;2023
    10. Treatment of talus osteochondral defects with arthroscopy debridement and bone marrow concentrate: a 6-month follow-up case report study, Konstantin Mitev, Journal of Surgical Case Reports: 2023
    11. Modified Elmslie-Trillat Technique for Knee Cap Dislocation A Retrospective Study with 5 Patients and 1 Year Follow-Up MITEV Konstantin, Annals of clinical and medical case reports ; 2023


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