Zan Mitrev's Team

Marija Kostadinovska

Specialist psychiatrist

2012 – ongoing

Licensed Skilled Person in the field of Psychiatry

2015 – 2018

– LL.M – Master of Laws in Intellectual Property Law
Faculty of Law – University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje and Faculty in Strasbourg, France
Field of Study: Arts and Humanities
EQF level: EQF level 7

– Dissertation: “The ability to reason and the process of reasoning of people with mental disorders and their influence on the possibility of them being considered authors”

2008 – 2012

Specialist in psychiatry – Faculty of Medicine – University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje

EQF level: EQF level 7

1996 – 2003

Doctor of General Medicine – Faculty of Medicine – University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje

2022 – ongoing
Specialist psychiatrist at the Zhan Mitrev Clinical Hospital, Skopje

Main activities and responsibilities:

Doctor with completed studies at the Faculty of Medicine and specialist studies in psychiatry. In its work, it includes the determination of the mental state, which may be the result of a certain physical illness, a combination of physical and mental illness, or a purely mental illness.

Psychiatric consultation or psychiatric examination includes diagnosis of the condition, psychoeducation, psychotherapeutic and/or psychopharmacological approach in the treatment of:

states of mental growth and development,
states of stress and trauma,
anxiety depressive disorders,
psychosomatic disorders,
affective disorders,
psychotic disorders,
diseases of addiction,
mental disorders in old age,
cognitive disorders in certain forms of dementia,
mental disorders in persons with mental retardation

2019 – 2022

Psychiatrist, Head of the Department for the Treatment of Convicted Persons with Mental Disorders – PHI Psychiatric Hospital “Skopje” – Skopje

2012 – 2022

Psychiatrist – PHI Psychiatric Hospital “Skopje”-Skopje

2005 – 2012

Doctor of general medicine – PHI Psychiatric Hospital “Skopje”-Skopje

-Chairman of the Management Board of PHI Psychiatric Hospital Skopje-

Training of trainers, principles of drug dependence treatment, Zlatibor


2007 – 2010
Gestalt therapy education – Training Institute for Psychotherapy and Gestalt “Center for Human Relations” – Skopje

2007 – 2009

Education from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

2007 – 2008

Education in family and systemic psychotherapy – Alternative Institute

– Medical Chamber of Macedonia

– Psychiatric Association of Macedonia


Post resuscitation manifesting delirium concerning survived patient with cardiogenic shock after myocardial infarction –  62nd Neuropsychiatric congress Pula, Croatia,

Pineal Gland Cyst and memory Loss – 62nd Neuropsychiatric congress Pula, Croatia

The role of the psychiatrist in prevention and treatment of post intensive care unit sindrome – Cardiological Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia


Psychological aspects of physical recreation concerning in-hospital mentally ill patients

22nd Symposium on sports and psychological education on youth, Struga, Macedonia


Extraordinary creativity in mental disorders and the influence of mental disorders on the possibility of exercising authors’ rights.

19th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal


Prodromal Symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease Early Onset Ohrid, Macedonia


Professional success as a reason for delayed treatment of long-standing psychosis

6th Congress of PZMAK, Ohrid


Medical treatment of alcohol dependence in patients with co-morbid anxiety depressive disorder

Fourth Croatian – Russian Psychiatric Congress, Opatija, Croatia


Violence associated with Epilepsy

International Conference on forensic psychiatry, Ohrid, Macedonia


Support and treatment of victims and perpetrators of domestic violence due to alcohol abuse and alcoholism; Abuse of benzodiazepines and alcohol among persons involved in methadone programs; Social adjustment of patients involved in substitutions

5th Macedonian psychiatric congress, Ohrid


Social adjustment of patients who are on methadone maintenance program

Budva – Bečići, Crna Gora


Subacute bacterial endocarditis as a consequence of injecting psychoactive substances

Adriatic conference on addictions, Ohrid

2019 – ongoing

Eliminating torture and inhumane treatment in prisons and detention facilities

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights – Skopje


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