Zan Mitrev's Team

Marko Gjorgon MD

Spec. in intensive care anesthesiology

2013 – 2018
Anesthesiology, intensive care and reanimation residency
University “Saint Cyril and Methodius”
Medical Faculty
Skopje, Republic North Macedonia

Doctor of Medicine
University “Saint Cyril and Methodius”
Medical Faculty
Skopje, Republic North Macedonia

High school ,,Niko Nestor’’- Basic life sciences and mathematics
Struga, Republic North Macedonia

2012- to date

Specialist in Anesthesiology, intensive care and reanimation
Zan Mitrev Clinic
Skopje, Republic North Macedonia

 2013 – 2018

Anesthesiology, intensive care and reanimation residency
University “St. Kiril i Metodij’’
Medical Faculty
Skopje, Republic North Macedonia


General Physician PZU “Neuromedica” Skopje
Ambulance and field work
Skopje, Republic North Macedonia


General Physician in department of anesthesiology, reanimation and intensive care
JZU “General Hospital Struga”
Struga, Republic North Macedonia

  • Participation in the one-month study POPULAR (POst anesthesia PULmonary complications After use of muscle Relaxants in Europe) organized by the European society of anesthesiologists (ESA), 2015
  • Participation in the “Fifth Congress of Anesthesiologists with International Participation”, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2014
  • Participation in the international congress for medical students as a lecturer at the basic life support workshop, Ohrid, Macedonia 2013
  • Scientific publications and participation in seminars and congresses
  • Certificate of Completion of the Basic Life Support Course organized by the European Council for Resuscitation (ECR), 2008
  • Certificate of Successfully Completed Student Exchange in Cairo at Kasr el Aini University Hospital in Cardiology Clinic 2007
  • Certificate for successful completion student exchange program in University Hospital Kasr el Aini Cardiology Clinic 2007, Cairo
  • Certificate for successful course for Basic life support organized by European resuscitation comity (ECR) 2008
  • Active participant in “Fifth congress of anesthesiology with international participants” Ohrid, Republic North Macedonia 2014
  • Participation in one month study POPULAR(POst anaesthesia PULmonary complications After use of muscle Relaxants in Europe) organized by Еuropean society of anesthesiologists (ESA) 2015
  • Postgraduate education at European foundation for education in anaesthesiology(F.E.E.A) Mother and Child, Unexpected effects of medicines, Dojran, Republic North Macedonia, 2015
  • Certificate for successful course in “Foundations of JCI”, Amsterdam, May 2017
  • Certificate for successful course for Basic, Advanced and Pediatric life support, October 2017, 2019, 2021
  • Early Initiation of Extracorporeal Blood Purification Using the AN69ST (oXiris®) Hemofilter as a Treatment Modality for COVID-19 Patients: a Single-Centre Case Series
  • Minimally Invasive Surgical Repair of Verte-bral Artery Ostium Stenosis in Ischemic Stroke Patients: a single-centre case series
  • Low Flow Anesthesia in Cardiac Surgery: Single Centre Experience

  • Completely capable of self-sufficiently administering anesthesia, performing reanimation and following Intensive Care patients, without the need for additional supervision or mentorship.
  • Advanced experience performing an Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE)
  • Knowledge in the indications, contraindications, placement and monitoring of an IABP.
  • Advanced knowledge in the applicability of CVVHDF filters and their practical use.
  • Basic understanding of a Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE)
  • Playing a role in the surgical preparation of a patient,
  • Controlling, monitoring and taking care of anesthesiology equipment in the Operating Rooms.
  • Invasive monitoring
  • Treatment of acute and chronic pain
  • General Anesthesia
  • Basic knowledge in difficult airway and bronchoscopic intubation
  • Regional Anesthesia
  • Regional blocks
  • Cardiac Anesthesia
  • Ambulance Anesthesia
  • Transport of critically ill patients
  • Management of critically ill patients post operatively

  1. DormicumKetamin vs. DormicumPropofol за амбулантски анестезии, наши искуства. Gjorgon M, Stoicovski E, Gramosli T, Aleksovski E, Vezenkova-Vuckova D, Mitrev Z, Angjuseva T, Ohrid 2014
  2. Употреба на церебрална оксиметрија кај тромбендартеректомија(ТЕА) на каротидна артерија. Stoicovski E, Gramosli T, Aleksovski E, Gjorgon M, Vezenkova-Vuckova D, Mitrev Z, Angjuseva T, Ohrid 2014
  3. Surgical treatment for carotidal disease. Mitrev Ž, Anguseva T, Hristov N, Lazovski N, Sterjo E, Manailova T, Gjorgon M, Novi Sad 2014


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