“Fear was present all the time but we knew Alea was in safe hands”

November 11,2019

Little Alea is going home after ten days in our clinic. The doctors from the paediatric department handed her over to the parents. Understandably, they were eager to take her home.

Alea is a fighter, a great fighter who started the battle for life from the first days of her birth.

She is one of the many new-borns with heart defect at birth, and our clinic was immediately contacted to take over the case.

Alea was born with a congenital heart defect Tetralogy of Fallot. She is the second child from a second consecutive regularly controlled pregnancy, born in the 33rd gestational week with caesarean section.

She was first hospitalized at the age of 2 months. She was transferred from the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics to our PZU Clinical Hospital “Zhan Mitrev”.

On 19.11.2019, after a proper preparation, Dr. Zhan Mitrev with his experienced team performed the operation. Specifically, a total correction was made by extending the left pulmonary branch of the left pulmonary artery, with a transannular pericardial patch with a monocusp valve with Matrix, closing a ventricular septal defect with a pericardial patch.

During the second day, the infant had stable vital parameters and inotropic support was stopped. The third day started with gradual mobilization of the infant, after which healing goes faster. A normal sinus rhythm was observed, the pacemaker was ejected, and wounds were healing neatly and quickly. On the fifth day, she was transferred to the paediatric department. She was regularly followed echosonographically and gradual improvement of the echosonographic findings was observed. The further post-operative course was smooth.

This small patient, a great fighter, was discharged in good general condition. The parents did not spare words of gratitude for the whole system that works and means life for children who are born with heart defects.

  • First of all, we want to thank Dr. Zhan Mitrev and his team for entrusting our child’s life. We also want to thank the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics for sending us to the Clinical Hospital “Zhan Mitrev” where these surgeries are successfully performed. Of course, fear was present all the time, but when you are offered a solution in such a hospital, it all gets easier. We knew Alea was in safe hands. We want to thank the whole team who kept us alert, informed and courageous – said little Alea’s mother before leaving the paediatric department at our clinic.

Alea, we wish you a successful complete recovery, a happy childhood and good health.

Yours, Zhan Mitrev Clinic.