First postoperative check-up of little Dimitar

April 04,2024

Little Dimitar was admitted to our clinic on 07.04.2020 with a diagnosis of severe congenital heart defect (tetralogy of Fallot). At the admission the child was with low oxygen saturation and signs of heart load and weakness. On 08.04.2020 a complete correction was made by closing the ventricular septal defect and enlargement of the right atrium and pulmonary valve.

The course of surgery went well. Due to the specificity of the illness and the severity of the general condition, the child was on prolonged mechanical ventilation and with high doses of inotropic support. The risk of right heart failure was gradually overcome by careful monitoring of vital parameters and appropriate therapy for the support of the cardiac work.

The little fighter was successfully removed from the breathing machine on the fourth postoperative day. In the following days we gradually managed to establish oral diet with milk formula and continued with respiratory and physical therapy.

–        On the seventh postoperative day, the mother took him in her arms again. The first reunion after a surgery is always the most emotional moment and at the same time the most beautiful one. A feeling that cannot be described in words. All of the hard work we have put in can be seen in those moments of happiness and joy. Dimitar, his family and I shall see each other at the regular check-ups. We shall hug and cherish each of his progress and growth – says Dr. Diana Popevski, anesthesiologist in our clinic.

On behalf of all the staff of Zan Mitrev Clinic, we wish him all the best of luck and joy. Let them stay so brave and positive forever, and we shall always be here to support them in any situation.