Zan Mitrev's Team

Kristina Egumenovska PhD

Psychologist - psychotherapist

2008 – 2012

PhD in Psychology – University of Ljubljana, defence

2010 – 2011

Fulbright visiting doctoral student – Pennsylvania State University, USA

2005 – 2008

MSc in Linguistics of Speech and Theory of Social Communication – ISH Ljubljana
 Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis – Ljubljana

1996 – 2002

BSc in Psychology – Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje, cum laude

Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA award high-school residence summer program
Major in Arts: Painting, Acting, Writing about Literature


SISSA – International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy.
Cognitive Neuroscience Department, Human Frontiers Science post-doctoral researcher ; Talents3 research fellow


Slovenian National team member of FP7 PLATENSO (civil society engagement in governance of ionising radiation risks; Platform for enhanced integration of Social Science and Humanities into ionising radiation protection research)


University of Ljubljana: Assistant professor


University of Ljubljana: Teaching Assistant


University of Ljubljana: Young (PhD) researcher


Pennsylvania State University Human Development and Family studies/Quantitative
Developmental lab, Fulbright visiting PhD researcher


Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of  Philosophy: in charge of comparative analysis of texts in contemporary political philosophy


Peace Institute Ljubljana: research team member in charge of writing and publishing original research articles


Centre for Applied Epistemology – Pedagogic Institute, Ljubljana: in charge of semantic analysis of stories that assess and compare on international level children’s reading literacy


Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana, one month voluntary internship at the Department for Drug addicted patients


ENHPS national member (European Network of Health Promoting Schools, WHO/EC  Project)


Centre for Psychosocial and Crisis Action, Skopje, psychologist and assistant coordinator of projects


Health behaviour of School Aged Children (HBSC); Macedonian national research team member (WHO study)


Received the highest recognition in the field of psychotherapy – European Accredited Psychotherapist (EAGT) – International License


Training for PSYCHODIAGNOSTICS (theory and practical application of psychological tests and tasks).


Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles (GATLA, USA) 63 hours


Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles (GATLA, USA) 63 часа


Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles (GATLA, USA) 28 часа


Institute for Gestalt therapy Ljubljana GiTA  451 hours


Centre for gestalt training Belgrade and Sinteza, R.Macedonia 1050 hours

Certificate of psychotherapist by GT Center Belgrade & Sinteza

2018 – Licence for psychological practice from the National Charter of Psychologist of the Republic of Macedonia (decision number: 0812-692/01, licence num:249)

2009 – Member of SLOGES – Slovenian society for gestalt psychotherapy

2002 – Cofounder of SintezaAssociation of Gestalt Counsellors and Gestalt Therapists of R. Macedonia, its first General Secretary and Ethical Committee member

SISSA for School workshop leader, bringing science close to children

Trieste Next 2017, SISSA Workshop leader in neuroscience:  Come fa il cervello le storie

Headline presenter at Junior Researcher Programme (JRP) jSchool;


Round table guest, WHO international day of mental health: “Destigmatisation of mentally ill persons”

Special event guest in Slovenian National Theatre


SISSA LIMBO laboratory in cognitive neuroscience. Melancholia: Exploratory factor analysis of semantic differentials

Invited talk at Ziferblat Ljubljana. Aristotle’s physics and psychology.


Likej Society. The concept of arithmos kineseos and the nature  of time in Aristotle’s Physics;


Habilitation Public Exam Lecture. Awarded the academic title Assistant professor for general psychology

  1. Egumenovska, K., Beltz, A., Luo, Y., Gay, M., Molenaar, P., Slobounov, S. (2020) Feasibility of EEG measures to detect sub-acute residual damage in subjects suffering from mTBI.
  2. Egumenovska, K. (2018) Shred of revolution: the ethics and politics of psychotherapy. Kairos – Slovenska Revija za Psihoterapijo 12, 1/2: 125-136.
  3. Egumenovska, K. (2016). Beyond sentiment and traces of human activity, botim i kontrolluar nga Maria and Dion Sommer’s book Care, socialization and play in Ancient Attica: a developmental childhood archeological approach. Aarhus University Press: Denmark
  4. Miheljak, V. & Egumenovska, K. (2015) Socialna in politična psihologija FDV: Ljubljana (scientific monography in Slovenian language )
  5. Žagar, M., Egumenovska, K. (2015). Povezava med emocionalno inteligentnostjo in modelom Velikih pet. Anthropos, 47, 1/2: 59-73.
  6. Egumenovska, K. (2015). Modeliranje dinamike duše na robu samoumevnosti: nori pesniki, filozofi in znanstveniki. Panika, 18, 2/3: 68-71
  7. Egumenovska, K. (2014) Disorienting the logical: on the gestural poetics of video games. Komel, Mirt (ed.) Cultural Studies of Video Games Special English language issue of Teorija & Praksa Ljubljana: FDV, Vol. 51/1: 8-21.
  8. Egumenovska, K. (2013). The wreath of subjectivity and time. Ingerid Straume & Giorgio Baruchello (eds.). Creation, rationality and autonomy: essays on Cornelius Castoriadis. Københaven: NSU Press: Nordiskt Somaruniversitet, 229-241.
  9. Egumenovska, K. (2012). Black-boxing political intersectionality: on ‘othering’ that deprives individuals of their citizenship. Social identities, 18, 6: 679-694.
  10. Egumenovska, K. (2011). O duhu, ki se zaleti v vse: Krazy Kat Georgea Herrimana. Julija Magajna & Tonči Kuzmanić (eds.). Ponovna iznajdba Amerike. Ljubljana: Mirovni inštitut, 75-86.
  11. Egumenovska, K. (2010). Sprevrnjeni atenski polis: demokracija in management našega časa. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo, 38, 240: 157-170.
  12. Spagnuolo-Lobb, Margherita (2009). Teorija selfa v geštalt terapiji – Theory of self in gestalt therapy. Kairos, 3, 1/2, 39-54. (translation and editing Egumenovska, K. from english and italian  to macedonian language )
  13. Egumenovska, K. (2005). Computers don’t matter in the end: an experience of empowering children in Macedonian schools. In Stephen Clift (eds.). The health promoting school: international advances in theory, evaluation and practice. Copenhagen: Danish University of Education Press, 347-366.






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