А meeting was held on the topic “Pharmacogenetics in Everyday Clinical Practice”

On December 20, 2018, a professional meeting was held in Zan Mitrev Clinic, of the Society for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian Society of Cardiology. The main topic that was discussed was “Pharmacogenetics in Everyday Clinical Practice”, followed by a general discussion, questions and answers, mostly related to all topics in the field of cardiovascular surgery and cardiology.

The meeting was opened with the introductory speech of the head of the clinic, Dr. Zan Mitrev, he saluted the attendants and emphasized the importance of genetics in the treatment of patients, both before and after a surgery, aimed at successful recovery.

– I am very glad to see you in such a large number, colleagues, professionals, you are mainly engaged in internal cardiology and similar branches. As a surgeon, I have had a long desire to become familiar with genetics, primarily out of sheer curiosity, and a desire to follow the progress of science in this field. Hence, the idea of ​​having a genetic laboratory in our clinic instilled in me a long time ago, and I realized that it is a very important thing, not only important, but also essentially significant for the patients’ lives, and also for us, as doctors who provide those services. With the establishment of the new hospital, one of my wishes was to set up such a laboratory, an idea that I immediately started working on. At that time, we met two young geneticists with whom we created a symbiosis that resulted in the creation of our genetic laboratory, which has been working successfully for two years already. I am sincerely very happy for our cooperation. This arose from the patient’s need to be able to obtain adequate therapy on one hand, and on the other hand, the doctor to be protected from what is considered an unsuccessful therapy. I would also like to point out that this is undoubtedly a very important branch, the new trends in medicine will be increasingly focused in this direction, genetic surgery is increasingly advocated. So maybe our children or some other generations will work by operating the genes first, in order to prevent diseases that we now treat in one way or another. Thus, that part will be very developed in the future and I am happy that we are one of the few institutions in Europe where we offer genetic examinations related to clinical practice – stated Dr. Mitrev.

During the next two hours, Dr. Sci. Slavica Josifovska and Prof. Dr. Sasho Panov delivered their speeches on the topic “Molecular Genetics and Genomics of Cardiovascular Diseases”.

Prof. Dr. Marjan Boshevski spoke about pulmonary thromboembolism – genetic bases and clinical aspects, while Dr. Milka Klincheva had a presentation on “Routine Application of Pharmacogenetic Tests in Everyday Clinical Practice in Cardiovascular Patients”.

“Pharmaco(genetics) in Zan Mitrev Clinic, the First Steps towards Personalized Genetics” was the field of discussion during the presentation by our colleagues Goran Kungulovski and Sanja Mehandziska.



Within the Memorandum of Cooperation between Zan Mitrev Clinic and the International Balkan University on December 21, 2018, the students from the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Psychological Counseling and Guidance had the opportunity to visit our clinic and participate in a lecture titled “The Role of a Psychologist in Healthcare Setting”, held by our psychologist and psychotherapist Frosina Ristovska. They also had the opportunity to learn more about the manner of arrangement and the services we offer through the presentation by Slavica Pecioska Dokuzovska. As a hospital, our team always strives to promote the values ​​that we strive for, and towards work with young people who can further convey these values ​​to their jobs. Sharing knowledge is one of the core values ​​of our team.