What is hysteroscopy?

Operative hysteroscopy is a phenomenal breakthrough in the treatment of gynecological problems and the health of many women. With a direct visualization of the uterine cavity using a camera we can solve many problems affecting women who previously required surgery. Abnormal uterine bleeding is a symptom in about 40% of women who come for gynecological examination. Some of them are treated with hormone therapy, but in many of them there is a change in the uterine cavity, which we nowadays treat microinvasive as one-day surgery with a minimal recovery period. Today, many women whose professional responsibilities prompt them to return to work quickly seek alternative modalities of classical surgery.

Operative hysteroscopy is the today’s golden standard for removing polyps and visible myomas in the uterine cavity, endometrial ablation, which we use in women who have completed reproduction, and who have extensive menstruation leading to anemia, and general weakness.

Besides its use for treating intrauterine pathology followed by abnormal and profuse uterine bleeding, hysteroscopy is used to solve the problem of congenital uterine abnormalities, as well as infertility by uterine barriers resection.

Today, hysteroscopy has a significant place in daily gynecological practice, bringing major advances in the treatment of women.

Spec. Irena Andonova M.D.

 Zan Mitrev Clinic

In the Zan Mitrev Clinical Hospital, Rinisa was born for the second time

On her first day in life, Rinisa faced a huge problem, a problem that meant life or death, for her. Unwillingly, she started fighting for life on the first moment when she got it. She fought with all forces, where even seconds were important.

Rinisa was born on August 1st, at the General Hospital in Struga and already on August 2nd she was brought to our clinic. The urgency of the situation allowed no delay or hesitation what to do. It was immediately established that she was oxygen dependent and that this was the initial motive, to move her to the Clinic for Pediatric Diseases in Skopje. There, after the completed analysis and done echocardiography, it was found that she had a serious congenital heart defect, i.e. a transposition of the large blood vessels and was immediately moved in the Zan Mitrev Clinic. From the very first moment of arrival at our clinic, our medical team immediately began preparations for the realization of an operative treatment.

– We reacted urgently because that condition, and that type of heart defect, requires immediate reaction because if left untreated it can end up as fatal. Immediately after her arrival, we right away have started the therapy according to the protocol, so that we should start the surgery. It is a specific therapy that was made with all the pre-surgical analyzes which needed to be done, so that the child may be urgently brought into the surgical hall. The next day we entered in the surgical hall and have done an extremely difficult surgery that was made by our team, with an exclusive success. After the completed surgical treatment we as a team were standing before another great challenge, because this is a serious congenital heart anomaly which has a very low survival rate in the world and in far more developed cardiac surgery centers. Postoperatively, we also met great challenges as pediatricians. However, our maximum given in that recent period, has given a fruitful result, so that Rinisa has not only lived to go home, but she left in a superb state. She is perfectly healthy, cheerful happy baby, with a weight gain and with neat vital parameters. Let us mention that she was admitted in the clinic with a saturation of 60% and now we release her with a 100% oxygen saturation. She is now a very nimble and cheerful baby to the general delight of us all, and of course the relief to the parents, who are here and looking forward to taking her home. It remains to follow her on the regular checkups and to honor us with her presence, to watch her grow – says d-r Jordanka Madzoska, a pediatrician in our clinic.

– This is a huge success, first and foremost for the saved life, for our clinic, for the team of doctors and for the whole staff working here and of course for our entire country, because we equalize ourselves with the world-class centers that have long been operating in the children’s cardiac surgery.

– This exactly, is just another proof that we are doing a great cardiac surgery and an excellent post-operative program, that results in one month after this complex surgery, that made a small baby to go home healthy. The Zan Mitrev Clinic is in the rank, among the world’s top cardiac surgical centers – adds d-r Madzoska.

The parents are more then happy that their firstborn, despite the enormous risks and problems, is leaving home healthy and smiling.

– Warm thanks to the whole team and especially to D-r Zan Mitrev, who has saved our child. We went through difficult moments. However, we knew deep down that we were in the right place, and that it will give our child a full health protection and care. We see this hospital as our daughter’s second birth place. She was once born in the Struga hospital, after which she was given another life, exactly here at the “Zan Mitrev” Clinical Hospital. We are overjoyed to finally go home with our dearest one – stated the mother, before leaving the ward where Rinesa was nursed.

The impact of smart phones on posture – the way we hold the body

The posture is the way we hold our body. There are two types:

  • A dynamic posture is how you hold your body when you move, walk, run or bend to get something.
  • Static posture is how you hold your body when you do not move, when you sit, stand or sleep.

Surely, we can’t imagine a day without a cell phone. It has become a part of our daily lives, and we become addicted to many situations. But what many of us do not know is that excessive use of cell phones damages our body.

Experts are increasingly talking about this topic and we cannot ignore it because our goal is to provide comfortable and quality life for people through ergonomics.

In most cases, the problems arise from the wrong body position when using a cell phone.

The most common problems that occur with overuse of smartphones are:

  • headaches
  • shoulder pain
  • spine curvature
  • visual impairment

The illustration shows that the spine is subjected to force according to the head position.

Within a neutral position at an angle of 0°C we have a load of 6 kg, which would be the weight of our head, but by increasing the angle, the load on the spine increases.

The most common position we take is at an angle of about 30 degrees, which is about 18 kg of weight.

We usually spend an average of 2 to 4 hours a day using our smartphones, which means our body is exposed to enormous pressure.

To avoid these problems and to preserve our health, we must learn how to use the devices without burdening our bodies.

Always keep your phone at eye level in order to keep your head, neck and shoulders in a better position.

Periodically move your head from side to side to stretch the muscles.

Stop at the door, stretch your arms out and bend your chest. This will help you relax the muscles that are fixed in one position while using the smartphone for a long time.

Improper body position can reduce lung capacity by as much as 30%, which increases the chances of a cardiovascular disease.

For having a proper posture, we must be physically active every day, which includes running, swimming, stretching and yoga.

Free pediatric examination of 101 newborns from Centar Municipality

Today, the Zan Mitrev Clinic awarded 101 vouchers to newborns from Centar Municipality. The vouchers are for a pediatric examination of newborns, which could be used in the next three months. Our pediatric service expects the parents to schedule appointment for their baby on 02 / 3091-484.

The activity for granting such vouchers is in accordance with the memorandum of cooperation that our clinic has signed with the Centar Municipality.

In addition to the parents with their children, the event was also attended by representatives of the local self-government guided by the Mayor of Centar Municipality Sasa Bogdanovic, who on behalf of the municipality gave the newborns’ families financial aid certificates in the amount of 7,000 MKD.

As part of the municipality’s first aid and support project, the funds have been granted regularly to parents who are residents of Centar Municipality, and this year the municipality signed a memorandum of cooperation with socially responsible companies and associations, including Zan Mitrev Clinic, that donate their products and services to these families.

Promotional Physical Therapy Assessment at a 50% discount

On the occasion of the World Physical Therapy Day, September 8th, the team of Zan Mitrev Clinic joined a campaign for conducting a physical therapy assessment of the locomotor system at a 50% discount. The action will run from September 10th to September 30th, 2019.

You could schedule a promotional physical therapy assessment on the following phone number 02/3091500 or 02/3091 484 – every working day from 08:00 – 20:00.

Based on this physical therapy assessment, each patient will receive individualized recommendations for further treatment or additional diagnostics.

The multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders as well as the availability of cutting-edge diagnostics in combination with long-term clinical practice are opportunities for timely and effective treatment.

Cardiac Magnet Resonance Imaging – a new trend in diagnostics and prognosis of heart diseases

Today at the Zan Mitrev Clinic an expert meeting was held on topic “Cardiac magnet resonance imaging – a new trend in diagnostics and prognosis of heart diseases”. Tanja Angjusheva M.D., employed at our clinic, held a lecture on topic “Team evaluation of advanced heart failure”, which was attended by about thirty doctors from different fields, both from the Zan Mitrev Clinic and other public and private clinics. Jadranka Stojanovska M.D., who is an Assistant Professor of Radiology on the Department of Radiology at the University of Michigan, also held a lecture.  Prof. Ljubica Georgievska – Ismail M.D. also shared her experience and knowledge with a lecture on amyloid cardiomyopathy.