Тимот на Жан Митрев

Aleksandra Petroski

Psychologist and resident of psychotherapy


2020 – current

Education in FAMILY and SYSTEMIC Psychotherapy in accordance with the standards of EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy) and EFTA-TIC (Chamber of Training Institutes at the European Association for Family Therapy).



Licensed psychologist, Psychology Chamber of Republic of Macedonia.



Training for PSYCHODIAGNOSTICS (theory and practical application of psychological tests and tasks).



BSc in Psychology, University “Ss Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for Psychology, Skopje, Macedonia.

2016 – current

Psychologist – Psychology and psychotherapy department, ZAN MITREV CLINIC, Skopje, Macedonia


Psychologist in the Commission for issuing a medical certificate for passing a driving test at the Health Center, Negotino.


Volunteer in the Youth Red Cross Club, Red Cross, Negotino.


Intern and volunteer at the Special Hospital for Surgical Diseases PHILIP II in Skopje in the department of psychology and psychotherapy.


Intern at the Secondary School of St. Cyril and Methodius in Negotino


Intern at the Inter-Municipal Center for SOCIAL WORK in Negotino


Intern in Public High School for rehabilitacion and education Saint Naum Ohridski, Skopje.


  • Certificate: “Practical methods and techniques for dyslexia according to the British model” – Einstein Dyslexia Association, Skopje.
  • Certificate: Autism – “Solution for the puzzle called Autism” – Center for Mental Health Gaspar, Skopje.
  • Certificate: “Psychological treatments for pain” – International Slavic University (platform for psychological support).
  • Certificate: “Resilience as a way to combat stress and the consequences it leaves on mental health and quality of life” – International Slavic University (platform for psychological support).
  • Certificate: “Types of Dementia and their characteristics, approaches to interaction with people who have Dementia: Not every Dementia is Alzheimer’s disease.” – Institute for Alzheimer’s Disease and Neuroscience, Skopje.
  • Certificate: Workshop – “Choosing a partner through the prism of family psychology” – International Slavic University.
  • Certificate: “Rational Emotional and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (RE and CBT) for Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents” – Einstein Dyslexia Association, Skopje.
  • Certificate: for participation in the project – “Fear, Anxiety Disorders, Prevention of Hypochondria and Treatments during the period 2020/2021 in Covid Pandemic” – Macedonian Association of Medical Students.



  • “Hudolin’s method as a modern way of dealing with alcoholism” – International Slavic University (platform for psychological support).
  • “Sexual Violence: The Internet as a Means and as a Context” – Sector, Event Management, PSYCHESCO.
  • “Dealing with stress in the private and professional sphere in a period of uncertainty, in the Covid pandemic” – International Slavic University (platform for psychological support).
  • “Stress and resilience in children” – Einstein Dyslexia Association, Skopje.
  • “Sexuality and social media” – Faculty of Philosophy, PSYCHESCO.
  • “How to get an inclusive school for students with autism spectrum disorder” – Einstein Dyslexia Association, Skopje.
  • “Development of emotional intelligence in childhood and adolescence” – Einstein Dyslexia Association, Skopje.
  • “Emotional balance using the ABC model” – International Slavic University (platform for psychological support).
  • “Laughter as therapy” – International Slavic University (platform for psychological support).
  • “Challenges in the education and parenting of the gifted child” – International Slavic University (platform for psychological support).
  • “Communication as one of the key leadership skills” – International Slavic University (platform for psychological support).


  • Workshop for “Successful Business Communication” Motiva – Educational Center, Skopje
  • “Conflict Management” Workshop
  • Participation in an embodied workshop for practitioners – Giving Presense Together, Gestalt in Organizations, Skopje, Macedonia.


Training certificate: for “RORSHAH – Projective Psychodiagnostic Technique” – Association for Education and Development PSYCHOINTEGRA, Skopje.


Workshop “Emotional Intelligence” – Association of Psychology Students


Participation in a three-day International Conference of Psychology students


Participation in the USAID project – Interethnic Tolerance in Education in Macedonia


Member in Psychology Chamber of Republic of Macedonia


Member in Young People Club- OORC, Red Cross Committee, Negotino



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