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Cardiology Specialist Diploma, University Hospital Geneva, Switzerland
Cardiology Specialist Diploma, Faculty of Medicine, “St. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia
PhD Diploma in Medical Science with doctoral thesis entitled: “Evaluation of Carotid Stenosis and Peripheral Artery Disease in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease”, Faculty of Medicine, “St. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia (Prof. B. Petrovski, PhD)
– Diploma for acquiring the internal medicine specialist title, Skopje
– PhD Diploma in Medical Science with doctoral thesis entitled “Evaluation of Venous Thrombosis in Patients after Hip Surgery”, University Hospital Geneva, Switzerland (B. Krahenbuhl MD, PhD, Bounameaux MD, PhD)
Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, “St. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia
2024 – present
Internal medicine specialist, cardiology subspecialist in the Zan Mitrev Clinic, Skopje
Cardiology consultant in the Neuromedika Hospital Skopje and Prima Cardiology Skopje
Cardiologist at the Acibadem Sistina Clinical Hospital, Skopje
2007 – 2009
Doctor, assistant professor at the Cardiology Department in the Cantonal University Hospital in Geneva with residence to obtain the title of cardiologist FMH
2005- 2007
Physician trainee at the Permanence Clinic, Mèdico Chirurgicale, Chantepoulet, Geneva, Switzerland, (Or. Harroud)
Doctor, assistant professor at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the University Hospital in Geneva, Switzerland (Prof. A. Calangos)
Head of various cardiology departments at the Cardiology Clinic (Prof. B. Petrovski)
1994- 1996
– Doctor consultant at the Clinical Center Mother Theresa in Skopje
– Head of the Emergency Center at the Cardiology Clinic, Skopje (Prof. L. Lazarov)
Head of Clinic at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, University Clinical Center, Skopje, Macedonia
1992 – 1993
Doctor, assistant professor at the Angiology and Cardiology Department at the University Hospital in Geneva, Switzerland (Prof. H. StadIer, Prof. H. Bouameaux, Prof. V. Rutishauser), with scholarship from the Swiss Confederation
Residency at various internal medicine departments according to the Internal Medicine Specialization program, University Clinical Center, Skopje, Macedonia
1985- 1986
Assistant of General Practice Medicine, Jane Sandanski Polyclinic, Skopje
2004 – 2022
Regular participation and teaching in many symposia and congresses in Macedonia, Switzerland, other European countries and USA.
1996 – 2023
Organization and participation in many scientific studies in Macedonia and abroad.
– Practical education as Scientific Assistant in Cardiology and Angiology of students and residents in general practice and internal medicine at the “Sts. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia
– Regular participation at formation colloquiums in cardiology and angiology at the University Hospital in Geneva
– Recipient of scholarship from the Swiss Confederation for cardiology and angiology education at the University Hospital in Geneva, Switzerland
1988 – 2004
Regular lecturer at many formation colloquiums in cardiology and angiology at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, many symposia and congresses in Macedonia and abroad.
– Macedonian Cardiology and Echocardiography Association
– European Cardiology and Echocardiography Society
– Swiss Cardiology and Angiology Association
Specialist in internal medicineSubspecialist in Cardiology
Specialist in internal medicine - subspecialist cardiology
Specialist in internal medicine
Subspecialist cardiology
Specialist in internal medicine
Subspecialist cardiology
Internal Medicine SpecialistSub spec. in cardiology
Specialist in internal medicineSubspecialist cardiology
Specialist in internal medicinesubspecialist in cardiology
Specialist in internal medicineSubspecialist cardiology