Zan Mitrev Clinic gets a team of physiotherapists licensed for Kinesio Taping

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A first and second stage (level) of Kinesio Taping Course was held this weekend at Zan Mitrev Clinic, attended by physiotherapists from the clinic and organized by the Association of Physiotherapist of the Republic of Macedonia, with the technical support from our clinic.

The training of our team will continue in March next year when the physiotherapists will attend the third level of the course, where some more specific techniques from this method will be studied. Currently, two of the physiotherapists who work at the Zan Mitrev Clinic are Kinesio Taping practitioners and have a license to practice this technique. Through the course the other three physiotherapists of the team road are on their way to get this kind of license. Education and professional training are continuing and upgrading.

The education is conducted by the kinesio taping instructor Dragan Dimitrijevic from Belgrade, Serbia, who says he is fascinated by our clinic because of several aspects.

– Highly professional, modern, well organized. All my impressions for the Zan Mitrev Clinic are maximally positive. Your clinic respects and leads those world standards I have seen in many top hospitals around the world. The level of organization is great. Kinesio taping is a specific technique that the Japanese expert Dr. Kenzo Kase has come up with and it represents a kind of a revolution in the treatment of the human organism, in the context of the way the Western medicine looks at it.

The Western medicine sees the body locally and here we see it holistically, meaning the whole body is being treated and there is a specific diagnostics which shows, for example, if your shoulder hurts, it does not necessarily mean that the cause of that pain is in the shoulder. For example, your neck may hurt and the reason for the pain being somewhere down in the foot

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Kinesio taping is good because it can be applied in the early rehabilitation stage, in the early surgical phase, and it represents a non-invasive agent that does not use any pharmacological supplements in itself and allows the body to be cured on its own.
Practically, we use tapes that, if you look closer look like an adhesive bandage, however, these tapes are elastic. You can not stretch the usual adhesive bandage, but these tapes can be stretched, and depending on what we want to achieve, we cut the tape in a different way and spread it to a different degree of tension, as needed. The tape is shaped according to which muscle we want to treat with it, for example. This method is very effective if someone has swellings, hematomas; it helps speed up the resolution of that problem and enables the body to start functioning as soon as possible.
However, in kinesio taping, there is a specific diagnostic, meaning that anyone cannot stick kinesio tapes and this is precisely why there are courses where certified instructors teach physiotherapists so that they know exactly where they need to stick the kinesio tapes with the purpose of a quick and successful recovery – stated the kinesio taping instructor Dragan Dimitrijevic.
Science defines Kinesio Taping as a technique for applying “KinesioTex” tapes, designed to accelerate the process of natural healing of the body, providing support and stability of the muscles and joints, without their limitation.
The Kinesio Taping is based on the concept of facilitation of the muscular and skin movements, in order to achieve a biomechanical, therapeutic effect on the treated zones.

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The tape with its micro movements stimulates the skin and subcutaneous receptors, stimulating the nervous system that governs the muscle reflex. In addition, the tape by means of skin stimulation reduces lymphatic and blood congestion, improves local microcirculation and facilitates the swelling reduction. The tape, actually, by wrinkling the skin, increases the intra cell space, thus facilitating lymphatic drainage. i.e., by reducing the tension on the subcutaneous pain receptors, the pain is reduced and the surrounding tissue is prevented from injuries, edema and bleeding.

The founder of this technique, Dr Kenzo Kase, visited our hospital two years ago, as part of his visit of Macedonia on the occasion of the Second Congress of Physiotherapists, and he had the opportunity to personally look into our hospital.

ZMC – a valued partner of the European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations

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“As one of the members of the European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations, we regularly take part in meetings that are held, in order to keep up to date with the novelties in the nursing care or the changes in the standards of care in Europe and beyond”, says Zaneta Bogoevska Miteva, the nurse in-charge of the hospital section of Zan Mitrev Clinic, and also a representative of the Critical Care Nurses Association.

She clarifies that these are meetings of the member states’ representatives of the Federation, where each country has its own delegates who meet twice a year to exchange information, create new projects in the scientific and research activity, with the main purpose that all these member states are involved and contribute to these trends and to follow and implement the positive changes and experiences that, with the help of these scientific projects, influence the change of the guidelines and standards for nursing care.

Among the activities we would like to mention the following:


  • MICU – Multiculturalism of Intensive Care, a project sponsored by ERASMUS Plus and successfully supported by the European Federation. This project will soon result in an e-course for nurses.
  • DecubICUs – a project involving intensive care with over 11 000 patients. Our intensive care was among the participants and this project will contribute to changing or confirming the standards for the prevention and treatment of decubicus of the intensive care.
  • One of the activities of this federation is the organization of congresses. At the eighth congress, organized by the federation, our representative – Nurse Zhaneta Bogoevska Miteva – is going to present two abstracts: the first one with the topic “How we at Zan Mitrev Clinic educate our nurses at the school we have organized and the second one is about The quality and specifications of the diet of our patients.

These are the abstracts I am going to present at the congress that is to be held in February next year – says Bogoevska Miteva.

All of our activities contribute to the improvement of quality and care so that we are able to  follow the European trends. As part of the scientific and research activity together with everyone else, we participate and act on positive changes in the improvement of the standards in these areas.

From the experience so far, we can establish that our experiences are welcomed and highly appreciated and they are accepted as well, due to the high ranking of the clinic because of the positive experience of our patients, thanks to which we established ourselves as an equal and valued associate.


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After 5 years Alexei Shestak from Moscow came back to Zan Mitrev Clinic


Five years ago, the health conditionof the young architect from Moscow, Alexei Shestak, deteriorated in a very short period of time. With ahigh fever and almost unconscious he was taken to one of the hospitals in Moscow, where he was held for ten days without improvement of his condition.

– I had high fever continuously for 10 I had problems with the heart, but despite the persistence of the doctors there, I was not precisely diagnosed with any disease for all the time I was held in the hospital. It was obvious that I had to seek salvation elsewhere. I contacted Dr. Arthur Dormitor who, luckily for me, collaborated with Dr. Zan Mitrev for a long time, and he immediately recommended me here. Urgently by a plane, I was sent to the then hospital of Dr. Zan Mitrev, within the Military Hospital in Skopje. Almost without being aware of what happened to me I was fighting for my life – this is how our patient from Russian starts his life story, who is at our clinic again after 5 years, but now only for a control ecxamination initiated precisely by Dr. Zan Mitrev

Alexey Shestak stayed in our clinic for two months, a time during which an early sepsis and bacterial endocarditiswas diagnosed to him, since the very beginning. Our doctors immediately started fighting the infection so that they are further able to perform the aortic valve operation that was necessary. But it was not that simple at all. The infection was so strong that it could not be eradicated in a short time, so it was decided to perform the operation of the valvein conditions of an infectious syndrome. By this act, Alexei Shestak became the first patient this operation was performed to, under such conditions – with an infectious syndrome. The replacement of the aortic valve was successful and the fight with the infection continued. The top medical care and constant monitoring at every moment under the watchful eye of our doctors resulted Alexei being able to leave homein two months.

– I was nearly unconscious ofwhat happened to methose two months. Then I learned that a new method of haemofiltration was performed on me,for the first time, a method that was subsequently used successfully in other patients, too, which I am very glad for. I thank endlessly Dr. Zan Mitrev and the entire team that saved my life 5 years ago and enabled me to continue to live normally. I also do sports and I do not have any restrictions. Now, after 5 years, I see the new hospital and I am fascinated with the progress. I can say that we do not have such a hospital in Moscow, and that all of you should be grateful for having this kind of health facility in your country – said Alexey happily.

After sightseeing in Skopje and several places throughout the country, he leaves home, continuing his life. We wish success and happiness.

Dr. Zan Mitrev: Motivation directly means success

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“Red Cross in Action – Promotion of Human Values” (RCA-PHV) is a project that is being continuously implemented in our country, for many years so far, by the Red Cross of the City of Skopje, which has been appointed implementer by the Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia. In this year’s celebration, the head of the clinic “Zan Mitrev Clinic”, Dr. Zan Mitrev, also took part.

The idea for this project was initiated in 1996 by the Red Cross of Macedonia and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), supported by the Norwegian Red Cross. The project is a domestic product created in accordance with the local customs and cultural norms, and it is constantly being upgraded according to the needs that will arise on the ground.

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At the event that took place on 03.10.2018 in the Macedonian National Theater, Dr. Zan Mitrev referred to motivation as a topic, with a special emphasis on the youth.

– Motivation is something that directly relates to the brain and many relate it with the heart. The heart, on the other hand, is such a unique organ that moves, and we cannot feel that, and at the same time it participates in our feelings, while motivation is an integral part of our lives, of our feelings. When you observe from a different perspective, motivation in the society is a great science. Various institutes and many scientists deal with this issue. The main question is how motivation is created in people. Or the other way around, why someone does not have it. Worldwide this is a problem for many young people. Because it is precisely all these new social movements that they cannot cope with. They cannot be motivated for something, they cannot start doing something because they do not perceive any sense or essence in all that. Motivation directly means success – emphasized Dr. Mitrev.

Among other things, this program should teach young people to respect the real values ​​of life: peace, tolerance, coexistence, and all that under the cover of humanity and the true principles that the Red Cross strives for. This was pointed out at the event.

The main goal of the RCA-PHV is to involve young people of different ethnic backgrounds and different groups in joint projects aimed at building mutual understanding, tolerance and a culture of dialogue.

The mission of the RCA-PHV program is to promote the culture of dialogue as a basic prerequisite for creating an intercultural society and promoting active knowledge and active attitude towards life, through the principles and values ​​of the Red Cross.