Clinical Hospital Zan Mitrev again achieves the Gold Seal of Approval as JCI-accredited organization

Once again the high standards of operation of our hospital have been confirmed

Even during a pandemic, the team of the Clinical Hospital Zan Mitrev has successfully verified its way of work for the second time as the hospital achieves reaccreditation by the Joint Commission International (JCI).

With the achievement of the “Gold Seal of Approval”, our strategic commitment to ensuring modern high-quality health care and patient safety was once again confirmed.

The first accreditation took place in 2017, ever since the daily application and observance of the standardized way of work has helped to increase patient satisfaction.

With the reaccreditation achieved now, the hospital has once again confirmed its commitment and dedication to providing quality and safe health services. This accreditation places Zan Mitrev Clinic on an equal footing with other accredited health organizations in the world.

“Being part of the JCI-accredited hospitals is prestige on a global level. JCI’s mission to continuously improve the safety and quality of care that patients receive is the main motto that guides and motivates our hospital in its daily work. Compliance with the strict standards of this accreditation is another proof of the continuous, quality and safe service provided by our hospital” – said Academician Dr. Zan Mitrev.

“We are proof that perseverance, organization and adherence to our principles are recognized and rewarded, regardless of where in the world you may be located. Certainly, the work of our team does not stop here, we remain fully committed to providing the best care of the well-being of our patients in the future.”

It should be noted that Zan Mitrev Clinical Hospital is among the few, a total of 4 hospitals in Europe, who dared to go through the recertification process in the year of the global pandemic.

JCI was established in America in 1997 as an independent, non-profit organization that accredits and certifies medical institutions around the world. The accreditation obtained by JCI is considered the Gold Standard in global healthcare in terms of service quality and patient safety.