Rapid detection of swine flu and another 32 pathogenic viruses and bacteria in our genetic laboratory

Our laboratory is one of the few in Macedonia that provides detection of swine flu in just a few hours.

Our DNA and RNA tests are much faster, more specific, more accurate and more sensitive compared to traditional microbiological tests.

In addition to swine virus (influenza A (H1N1) swl), our test detects another 32 pathogenic viruses and bacteria:

  • Influenza A (FluA),
  • Influenza B (FluB),
  • Influenza C (FluC),
  • Parainfluenza 1,
  • Parainfluenza 2,
  • Parainfluenza 3,
  • Parainfluenza 4,
  • Coronavirus NL63,
  • Coronavirus 229E,
  • Coronavirus OC43,
  • Coronavirus HKU1,
  • Human metapneumovirus A/B,
  • Rhinovirus,
  • Respiratory syncytial viruses A/B,
  • Adenovirus,
  • Enterovirus,
  • Parechovirus,
  • Bocavirus,
  • Pneumocystis jirovecii,
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae,
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae,
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae,
  • Haemophilus influenzae type B,
  • Staphylococcus aureus,
  • Moraxella catarrhalis,
  • Bordetella spp. (except Bordetella parapertussis),
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae,
  • Legionella pneumophila/ Legionella longbeachae,
  • Haemophilus influenzae,
  • Salmonella spp

More information is available on the following telephone number: 389 2 3091500.


For the first time, we have implanted a “HeartMate 3” LVAD device at the “Zan Mitrev Clinic”

A left ventricular assist device (LVAD), is a mechanical pump that is implanted during open heart surgery.

Unlike a total artificial heart, the LVAD will not completely replace the function of the heart; instead, the LVAD will assist the heart to do its job; circulate blood through the body.

Implantation an LVAD device can mean the difference between life and death for a person with severe Left heart failure.

This pump was implanted by a surgery team coordinated by Dr Predrag Milojevic and Dr Zan Mitrev.

The postoperative course requires intense monitoring by a clinical staff, consisting, among others, of cardiologists, intensivists and physiotherapists.

During this period, the patient and the family are educated and receive practical advice on how to manage daily life with the LVAD device.

Several international studies have shown that LVAD patients can return to a reasonable quality of life after the first month of implantation. There have been numerous cases described of patients fully recovering left heart function that allows the removal of the LVAD after some time; however, these patients represent a minor subgroup

The 2nd subgroup, are those patients who are unlikely to experience a full recovery of their left heart function following surgery. Those patients will require a heart transplant in the future. Thus, the LVAD is implanted as “bridge-to-transplant”.

The third subgroup comprises patients that receive an LVAD implantation as a destination-permanent therapy; in other words, the LVAD will be implanted for the remainder of the patient’s life; this approach is reserved commonly for patients of advanced age.

We have implemented an intensive monitoring program for the care, treatment and follow-up of LVAD-patients to ensure maximum safety and quality care.

Please see the video below, which was recorded in our clinic and refers to this case.

Eleonora and Theodora will be protégés of our clinic until they reach adulthood

Zan Mitrev Clinic made a decision, the clinic will provide the girls Eleonora and Teodora Stojanovski from Stip free medical assistance and treatment until they reach adulthood.

– That means that the two little sisters will be able to be examined free of charge in our clinic, they will be provided medical care by the paediatric team whenever a need arises, stated Dr. Natasha Chuchkova Nokchevska, a paediatrician at our clinic.

Numerous packages of food, clothing and New Year’s presents arrived virtually from all over the country. The published article on the social networks and TV Star initiated the solution of some of the problems that the family Stojanovski faces, including the health problems of the girls.

– Whatever they wish, or whatever I wish to buy them, I do not have the opportunity to provide that, because I have no money. That was the case for the New Year, my little daughters want a Christmas tree, presents, to take a picture with Santa Claus, however they cannot have these things. I do not have the money to fulfill their wishes and this hurts me a lot, stated Vlatko Stojanovski, a single parent.

With a social welfare of 5.000 denars, one can hardly settle all costs for the month, says Vlatko. A major problem is the regular supply of drugs for the younger daughter Teodora. When she was a baby, immediately after her birth, she had a heart surgery.

– For almost four years after the birth of the younger daughter Teodora, we are constantly in hospitals. She is feeling slightly better now. They do not allow my daughters to go to kindergarten because I have no money to pay for it. What should I settle first in the month with a social welfare of 5.000 denars. Should I pay the bills for water, electricity, the most important medicines for the little one, or buy food. The money is not enough, explained Stojanovski.

Eleonora and Teodora were very happy to see Santa. He arrived in their home with the representatives of the Red Cross of Stip, bringing them many New Year’s gifts, food, toys and inevitable New Year’s presents …

The calls for assistance by humane people did not stop for days. Everyone shares a common thought. Eleonora and Teodora have the right to feel the magic brought by the New Year’s atmosphere …

We are here and we are always willing to help those who need urgent help …

А meeting was held on the topic “Pharmacogenetics in Everyday Clinical Practice”

On December 20, 2018, a professional meeting was held in Zan Mitrev Clinic, of the Society for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian Society of Cardiology. The main topic that was discussed was “Pharmacogenetics in Everyday Clinical Practice”, followed by a general discussion, questions and answers, mostly related to all topics in the field of cardiovascular surgery and cardiology.

The meeting was opened with the introductory speech of the head of the clinic, Dr. Zan Mitrev, he saluted the attendants and emphasized the importance of genetics in the treatment of patients, both before and after a surgery, aimed at successful recovery.

– I am very glad to see you in such a large number, colleagues, professionals, you are mainly engaged in internal cardiology and similar branches. As a surgeon, I have had a long desire to become familiar with genetics, primarily out of sheer curiosity, and a desire to follow the progress of science in this field. Hence, the idea of ​​having a genetic laboratory in our clinic instilled in me a long time ago, and I realized that it is a very important thing, not only important, but also essentially significant for the patients’ lives, and also for us, as doctors who provide those services. With the establishment of the new hospital, one of my wishes was to set up such a laboratory, an idea that I immediately started working on. At that time, we met two young geneticists with whom we created a symbiosis that resulted in the creation of our genetic laboratory, which has been working successfully for two years already. I am sincerely very happy for our cooperation. This arose from the patient’s need to be able to obtain adequate therapy on one hand, and on the other hand, the doctor to be protected from what is considered an unsuccessful therapy. I would also like to point out that this is undoubtedly a very important branch, the new trends in medicine will be increasingly focused in this direction, genetic surgery is increasingly advocated. So maybe our children or some other generations will work by operating the genes first, in order to prevent diseases that we now treat in one way or another. Thus, that part will be very developed in the future and I am happy that we are one of the few institutions in Europe where we offer genetic examinations related to clinical practice – stated Dr. Mitrev.

During the next two hours, Dr. Sci. Slavica Josifovska and Prof. Dr. Sasho Panov delivered their speeches on the topic “Molecular Genetics and Genomics of Cardiovascular Diseases”.

Prof. Dr. Marjan Boshevski spoke about pulmonary thromboembolism – genetic bases and clinical aspects, while Dr. Milka Klincheva had a presentation on “Routine Application of Pharmacogenetic Tests in Everyday Clinical Practice in Cardiovascular Patients”.

“Pharmaco(genetics) in Zan Mitrev Clinic, the First Steps towards Personalized Genetics” was the field of discussion during the presentation by our colleagues Goran Kungulovski and Sanja Mehandziska.



Within the Memorandum of Cooperation between Zan Mitrev Clinic and the International Balkan University on December 21, 2018, the students from the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Psychological Counseling and Guidance had the opportunity to visit our clinic and participate in a lecture titled “The Role of a Psychologist in Healthcare Setting”, held by our psychologist and psychotherapist Frosina Ristovska. They also had the opportunity to learn more about the manner of arrangement and the services we offer through the presentation by Slavica Pecioska Dokuzovska. As a hospital, our team always strives to promote the values ​​that we strive for, and towards work with young people who can further convey these values ​​to their jobs. Sharing knowledge is one of the core values ​​of our team.


Leviker – Natural and innovative solution for fatty disorders of the liver

On 28.11.2018 in the auditorium of ZMC, Dr. Sasho Blazevski held a presentation titled “Leviker – Natural and innovative solution for fatty disorders of the liver”.

Leviker is a natural dietary supplement that contains a standardized extract of Prunusmume. The super fruit, known as Japanese apricot, is traditionally used in Asia because of its hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties. It contains a standardized concentration of oleanolic and ursolic acid, two bioactive natural ingredients of Prunusmume, as well as choline. Leviker contributes in maintaining normal liver function and normal metabolism of fats. It can promote liver function while using medicines that cause “excessive work” of the liver (intense metabolism).

This product is available for us thanks to Bionika Pharmaceuticals in cooperation with Stragen Pharma SA from Switzerland.

First aid lectures of the ZMC team for the teachers at “QSI International School of Skopje”

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Today, a team composed of Dr. Tanja Angjuseva, Dr. Natasha Chuchkova Nikchevska and Nurse Zaneta Bogoevska-Miteva held a first aid course at the “QSI International School of Skopje”, for the teachers and other employees of the school. The course developed several scenarios on how to deal with drowning, electric shock, tissue injury, burns, fractures, falls, heat stroke, freezing etc. Special attention was paid for the cases when the injured person is a child.

This first aid course is basically a course for basic emergency life saving treatments for injured. The aim of this course is to help the teachers to improve their skills in this area, to gain self-confidence and to help the affected people in situations where the heartbeat or the breathing stops, until the ambulance team arrives – emphasized Dr. Angjusheva.

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Basic principles were given regarding the pediatric age, for which Dr. Natasha Chuchkova Nikchevska held a presentation.

– The teachers at the school are relatively well acquainted with these conditions and have some preliminary knowledge of first aid in an accident, but still, there were many questions and practical exercises with our “phantom” – a training mannequin – which helped us in our practice. It helped them to try out the presented cases, practically, thus, increase their rescue skills. This is very important and therefore in Western countries, for example with the USA, every citizen goes through a first aid course, which is of great importance for the whole community. It has been scientifically proven that if a first aid is not given immediately to the injured, the chance of survival is much lower, and in children it is even lower because brain death occurs much faster than in adults. Therefore, I think that all those who work with children should know at least the basic life saving and resuscitation procedures – said Dr. Chuchkova Nikchevska.

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The Head of “QSI – Skopje”, Mr. Joshua Gareth, pointed out that the lectures were very useful and exciting considering the possibility that they relate to situations that can happen in real life, and the information was transferred in a way that is very applicable to their lectures.

– I think getting the opportunity to ask questions and get answers helped people who are not medically educated to clarify some things, and it was very effective for us since we got the opportunity to move back and forth around the theme, together with the doctors – pointed out Gareth.

He added that it is very important that besides the theoretical, there are practical exercises since practical exercises with a “phantom” give the self-confidence necessary when faced with a real-life situation.

– Through this practical experience, which is a great benefit for us, the teachers gain self- confidence in acting in emergency situations – emphasized the head of “QSI – Skopje”.

He believes that students would also benefit from obtaining such information because they could help when teachers are not around or when something similar happens outside the school, thus helping a person in danger.

Zan Mitrev Clinic gets a team of physiotherapists licensed for Kinesio Taping

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A first and second stage (level) of Kinesio Taping Course was held this weekend at Zan Mitrev Clinic, attended by physiotherapists from the clinic and organized by the Association of Physiotherapist of the Republic of Macedonia, with the technical support from our clinic.

The training of our team will continue in March next year when the physiotherapists will attend the third level of the course, where some more specific techniques from this method will be studied. Currently, two of the physiotherapists who work at the Zan Mitrev Clinic are Kinesio Taping practitioners and have a license to practice this technique. Through the course the other three physiotherapists of the team road are on their way to get this kind of license. Education and professional training are continuing and upgrading.

The education is conducted by the kinesio taping instructor Dragan Dimitrijevic from Belgrade, Serbia, who says he is fascinated by our clinic because of several aspects.

– Highly professional, modern, well organized. All my impressions for the Zan Mitrev Clinic are maximally positive. Your clinic respects and leads those world standards I have seen in many top hospitals around the world. The level of organization is great. Kinesio taping is a specific technique that the Japanese expert Dr. Kenzo Kase has come up with and it represents a kind of a revolution in the treatment of the human organism, in the context of the way the Western medicine looks at it.

The Western medicine sees the body locally and here we see it holistically, meaning the whole body is being treated and there is a specific diagnostics which shows, for example, if your shoulder hurts, it does not necessarily mean that the cause of that pain is in the shoulder. For example, your neck may hurt and the reason for the pain being somewhere down in the foot

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Kinesio taping is good because it can be applied in the early rehabilitation stage, in the early surgical phase, and it represents a non-invasive agent that does not use any pharmacological supplements in itself and allows the body to be cured on its own.
Practically, we use tapes that, if you look closer look like an adhesive bandage, however, these tapes are elastic. You can not stretch the usual adhesive bandage, but these tapes can be stretched, and depending on what we want to achieve, we cut the tape in a different way and spread it to a different degree of tension, as needed. The tape is shaped according to which muscle we want to treat with it, for example. This method is very effective if someone has swellings, hematomas; it helps speed up the resolution of that problem and enables the body to start functioning as soon as possible.
However, in kinesio taping, there is a specific diagnostic, meaning that anyone cannot stick kinesio tapes and this is precisely why there are courses where certified instructors teach physiotherapists so that they know exactly where they need to stick the kinesio tapes with the purpose of a quick and successful recovery – stated the kinesio taping instructor Dragan Dimitrijevic.
Science defines Kinesio Taping as a technique for applying “KinesioTex” tapes, designed to accelerate the process of natural healing of the body, providing support and stability of the muscles and joints, without their limitation.
The Kinesio Taping is based on the concept of facilitation of the muscular and skin movements, in order to achieve a biomechanical, therapeutic effect on the treated zones.

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The tape with its micro movements stimulates the skin and subcutaneous receptors, stimulating the nervous system that governs the muscle reflex. In addition, the tape by means of skin stimulation reduces lymphatic and blood congestion, improves local microcirculation and facilitates the swelling reduction. The tape, actually, by wrinkling the skin, increases the intra cell space, thus facilitating lymphatic drainage. i.e., by reducing the tension on the subcutaneous pain receptors, the pain is reduced and the surrounding tissue is prevented from injuries, edema and bleeding.

The founder of this technique, Dr Kenzo Kase, visited our hospital two years ago, as part of his visit of Macedonia on the occasion of the Second Congress of Physiotherapists, and he had the opportunity to personally look into our hospital.