The impact of smart phones on posture – the way we hold the body

The posture is the way we hold our body. There are two types:

  • A dynamic posture is how you hold your body when you move, walk, run or bend to get something.
  • Static posture is how you hold your body when you do not move, when you sit, stand or sleep.

Surely, we can’t imagine a day without a cell phone. It has become a part of our daily lives, and we become addicted to many situations. But what many of us do not know is that excessive use of cell phones damages our body.

Experts are increasingly talking about this topic and we cannot ignore it because our goal is to provide comfortable and quality life for people through ergonomics.

In most cases, the problems arise from the wrong body position when using a cell phone.

The most common problems that occur with overuse of smartphones are:

  • headaches
  • shoulder pain
  • spine curvature
  • visual impairment

The illustration shows that the spine is subjected to force according to the head position.

Within a neutral position at an angle of 0°C we have a load of 6 kg, which would be the weight of our head, but by increasing the angle, the load on the spine increases.

The most common position we take is at an angle of about 30 degrees, which is about 18 kg of weight.

We usually spend an average of 2 to 4 hours a day using our smartphones, which means our body is exposed to enormous pressure.

To avoid these problems and to preserve our health, we must learn how to use the devices without burdening our bodies.

Always keep your phone at eye level in order to keep your head, neck and shoulders in a better position.

Periodically move your head from side to side to stretch the muscles.

Stop at the door, stretch your arms out and bend your chest. This will help you relax the muscles that are fixed in one position while using the smartphone for a long time.

Improper body position can reduce lung capacity by as much as 30%, which increases the chances of a cardiovascular disease.

For having a proper posture, we must be physically active every day, which includes running, swimming, stretching and yoga.

Free pediatric examination of 101 newborns from Centar Municipality

Today, the Zan Mitrev Clinic awarded 101 vouchers to newborns from Centar Municipality. The vouchers are for a pediatric examination of newborns, which could be used in the next three months. Our pediatric service expects the parents to schedule appointment for their baby on 02 / 3091-484.

The activity for granting such vouchers is in accordance with the memorandum of cooperation that our clinic has signed with the Centar Municipality.

In addition to the parents with their children, the event was also attended by representatives of the local self-government guided by the Mayor of Centar Municipality Sasa Bogdanovic, who on behalf of the municipality gave the newborns’ families financial aid certificates in the amount of 7,000 MKD.

As part of the municipality’s first aid and support project, the funds have been granted regularly to parents who are residents of Centar Municipality, and this year the municipality signed a memorandum of cooperation with socially responsible companies and associations, including Zan Mitrev Clinic, that donate their products and services to these families.

Promotional Physical Therapy Assessment at a 50% discount

On the occasion of the World Physical Therapy Day, September 8th, the team of Zan Mitrev Clinic joined a campaign for conducting a physical therapy assessment of the locomotor system at a 50% discount. The action will run from September 10th to September 30th, 2019.

You could schedule a promotional physical therapy assessment on the following phone number 02/3091500 or 02/3091 484 – every working day from 08:00 – 20:00.

Based on this physical therapy assessment, each patient will receive individualized recommendations for further treatment or additional diagnostics.

The multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders as well as the availability of cutting-edge diagnostics in combination with long-term clinical practice are opportunities for timely and effective treatment.

Cardiac Magnet Resonance Imaging – a new trend in diagnostics and prognosis of heart diseases

Today at the Zan Mitrev Clinic an expert meeting was held on topic “Cardiac magnet resonance imaging – a new trend in diagnostics and prognosis of heart diseases”. Tanja Angjusheva M.D., employed at our clinic, held a lecture on topic “Team evaluation of advanced heart failure”, which was attended by about thirty doctors from different fields, both from the Zan Mitrev Clinic and other public and private clinics. Jadranka Stojanovska M.D., who is an Assistant Professor of Radiology on the Department of Radiology at the University of Michigan, also held a lecture.  Prof. Ljubica Georgievska – Ismail M.D. also shared her experience and knowledge with a lecture on amyloid cardiomyopathy.

Successful surgery for total transposition of baby’s major blood vessels performed by the home team led by Acad. Zan Mitrev MD


For the first time in Macedonia, one of the most difficult and complex heart surgeries in children was successfully performed. The 2.9 kg new-born was diagnosed at the University Clinic for Paediatric Diseases and referred immediately to Zan Mitrev Clinic as an emergency.

After a proper preparation, the newly born patient was successfully operated on yesterday.

It is the so-called total transposition of the major blood vessels, one of the most complex anomalies of the heart, with all blood vessels coming out of the heart inversely, thus blood circulating in the opposite direction. These children are blue and die of oxygen deficiency shortly after birth.

The surgery was performed by Acad. Zan Mitrev MD, and all the surgical preparation, anaesthesia, cardiac perfusion, as well as the complex post-surgical management, was done by the surgical nurses, doctors and the staff of the Zan Mitrev Clinic.

It must be noted that no foreigners or advisors were included in this complex and extremely difficult task. With this surgery, both the “old” team and the “new” one – those who came from the state University Clinic – expressed great maturity for such medical accomplishments and have shown that they are already “one team”!

International Meeting of Distributors “Cardiovascular Surgery”

On June 27th this year, the traditional distributors’ meeting of the German manufacturer of surgical threads, parenteral solutions and solutions for wounds treatment SERAG WIESSNER, took place in the RN Macedonia in cooperation with FILA FARM Ltd as an exclusive distributor in the country for more than 15 years.

This distributors’ meeting took place under the title “Cardiovascular Surgery” at the Clinical Hospital “Zan Mitrev”. The guests were distributors from several countries: Serbia, Croatia, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Bahrain. In the first part of this event, through extensive presentations, the long-term use of Serag’s products in the daily operation at the clinic, was presented. All cardiovascular surgeries in which the Serag threads were used, as well as a presentation of a case in which the use of Serag-Lavanid wounds disinfection agents was applied for a first time.

The continuous use of these threads is an evidence of the high and unchanged quality. The second part of the presentation took place at the Marriott Hotel, where the representatives of the SERAG WIESSNER, have presented their products and the so far achievements, through their presentation. Also, the other distributors, through their own examples, have exchanged their experiences and knowledge.

The FILA FARM, as of this year, as part of the SERAG WIESSNER (Lavanid and Lavanox), solutions for wound treatment, started a distribution in our FILA pharmacy, as well as, throughout the pharmacies countrywide.

The Zan Mitrev Clinic is this year part of the “Galicka svadba”, too

Traditionally, this year Zan Mitrev Clinic will support the world-famous cultural event “Galicka svadba” (The Galicnik Wedding). The event will take place in the period from 12th July to 14th July in the village Galicnik. The Galicnik Wedding is a manifestation that is regularly attended by many prominent representatives the cultural and socio-political life, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps, who attend with special attention the unique harmony created by the manifestation and the unique “Galicnik environment”.

The Galicnik Wedding has been declared the most successful tourist event for us for many years, and by the New York Times and the National Geographic, for the most traditional wedding festival in Europe, and our clinic is always a part of it.

The 46th edition of the Galicnik Wedding, one of the most attractive cultural manifestations in the country, will start in the spectacular ambience of the village Galicnik on the Bistra Mountain, by setting up the wedding flag.

The bride and the groom, at the event of this year, are Marina Petrovska and Ognen Karadjozovski, who have been selected in a competition of may couples have stated today, that they are particularly happy to be chosen to be the bride and the groom, in the most authentic and most traditional wedding in all areas. About 100 supernumeraries will participate on the manifestation, dressed in authentic Galicnik costumes, and a folk music ensemble of about 30 participants, cavalry and horses with a technical support, i. e. about 250 people in total.

A big, simple and sincere thank you!

A Letter from our patients to Dr. Zan Mitrev:


Dr. Zan,

I just want to say a simple THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

Today is my father’s “other” birthday. Exactly a year ago, you, a great man, managed to save an entire family by saving my father, whom you literally brought back from the dead. My father endlessly trusted you, and although we were terrified and too confused at the time, we recognized the salvation in you. The complicated operation lasted for about 6 hours, during which 3 valves were operated on, 4 by-passes … But you managed to win, and therefore all of us won together with you. The post operation period was a difficult one, but we knew that the family was slowly getting rehabilitated.

A year later, my father’s health condition is stable, and we are slowly returning to our everyday routine.

I want to thank you for successfully completing the surgery and for saving a BIG HEART, the heart of the man who, together with my mother, always takes care and fighths daily battles for the life and health of his own sick parents as well as his own sick daughter. The battles were fought with joy, perseverance, not allowing anything to disturb our peaceful family life. His heart, Dr. Zan, was constantly strained with those ongoing battles, fighting for the life of his closest ones. And his heart managed to protect everyone and give them it’s maximum effort. You saved that heart. Around his neck my father wears with pride the tag bearing the name of your hospital, which he had asked for when he left the hospital from one of your employees at the info desk in order to strap his mobile phone on it.

We will always be grateful to Dr. Nikola Gjorgov as well, who showed us the right direction. Rarely does one find a man with such great humanity and an infinitely good soul as Dr. Gjorgov. During those moments of despair and the sense of being lost, Dr. Gjorgov was my only light because he was always there for any advice and help. In those difficult moments, he first saved my sister, and then my father, by referring him to you.

My sincerest regards to the entire team, and to you doctor – may good health be with you, wishing you continuous successful career, wonderful moments with your family and all the best.

I bow to you with my deepest gratitude.

V. B. Mr.