Latest News from our Clinic

Dr. Goran Jovikj, urologist:  How long will women be presenting men’s problems?


Dr. Goran Jovikj, urologist: How long will women be presenting men’s problems?

  What is the term “male health”? 6-7 years ago, when the world male health campaign, the so called “Movember”…

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Functional magnetic stimulation for faster strengthening of atrophic musculature

The functional magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive, painless method that allows a contactless stimulation of the superficial and the deep…

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Visit a urologist before it’s too late

It is rare for men to visit a urologist for a check-up without having any symptoms or visible problems. Statistics…

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Neck and shoulder pain


Neck and shoulder pain

Modern lifestyle, frequent use of smart devices, reduced physical activity as well as prolonged exposure to stress and inappropriate body…

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A new type of testicular prosthesis implanted in a young patient


A new type of testicular prosthesis implanted in a young patient

One of the newest types of testicular prosthesis was implanted in a young patient at the Zan Mitrev Clinic. Dr.…

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Removal of tonsil: When is best to remove them and how it is done in our clinic


Removal of tonsil: When is best to remove them and how it is done in our clinic

Tonsilloadenoidectomy is a surgical procedure for removing palatal tonsils and adenoid vegetations (third tonsil) from the pharynx and the vault…

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Reconstructed aortic valve and creation of 3 new valves in a six-year-old child


Reconstructed aortic valve and creation of 3 new valves in a six-year-old child

Lis Berisha is a 6-year-old child who came for the first time to us for a surgery. He was born…

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The first prosthesis to replace one part of a leg and the whole joint implanted in our country


The first prosthesis to replace one part of a leg and the whole joint implanted in our country

– I had enormous leg pain. I couldn’t walk for months. My whole body was in pain. I had no…

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