Zan Mitrev's Team

Ljupcho Petrovski M.D Primarius

Specialist in Ob&Gyn, Subspeclalist in Perinatology


Supspecialization in Perinatology, University Clinic of Gynecology and obstetrics


Specialization in Ob/ Gyn, University Clinic of Gynecology and obstetrics


Vaginoscopy, coursework Dallas TX, USA


Master degree in Ultrasound Diagnostics in Ob/Gyn, – University of Zagreb, Croatia


Bachelor degree in Medical Science, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius – Medical Faculty Skopje


Chief of Pathological and High-Risk pregnancy dept. at University Clinic of Gynecology and obstetrics, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Medical Faculty Skopje

– Treatment and Care of High-Risk pregnancy
– Prenatal fetal diagnostics
– Obstetrics interventional sonography (amniocentesis, chorionic biopsy, cordocentesis, and intrauterine fetal interventions)
– Deliveries of High-Risk pregnancies
– Delivery room (Caesarean Section, Forceps, vacuum extractions)


Chief of Peripartal Intensive Care Department at University Clinic of Gynecology and obstetrics,
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Medical Faculty Skopje

– Critical care practices with decision making
-Delivery room (C-section, Forceps, vacuum extractions etc.

1995 – present

Official M.D of the Macedonian Volleyball National Team, Macedonian Volleyball Association, Skopje, Macedonia

– Certified M.D by the European Volleyball Federation


Assistant Chief of Ob/ Gyn Urgent Care Department at University Clinic of Gynecology and obstetrics, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Medical Faculty Skopje

– Emergency response Critical conditions in Ob/Gyn
Bleedings, Abortions, Small Surgical interventions Delivery room (C-section, Forceps, vacuum extractions etc.)


Chief of Gynecological ultrasound diagnostics department at University Clinic of Gynecology and obstetrics, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Medical Faculty Skopje

– Ultrasound Guided Gynecological procedures Puncture and drainage of simple ovarian cysts
-Puncture and drainage of cul-de-sac fluid (diagnostic, peritoneal inclusion cysts, etc.) • Puncture and injection of unruptured, live cervical, cornual and tubal gestations.
– Puncture biopsy of suspected gynecologic cancer recurrences
– Delivery room (C-section, Forceps, vacuum extractions etc.)


Assistant Professor in Ob/Gyn at University Clinic of Gynecology and obstetrics,
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Medical Faculty Skopje



FVIB Volleyball Medicine Congress, Bled, Slovenia,

BRAHMS – Prenatal Screening Forum, Budapest, Hungary,


World Congress of Ultrasound in Ob/Gyn, Kyoto, Japan


European Congress of Ultrasound Diagnostics, Jerusalem, Israel,


– First North-South American Congress Gyn Endoscopy, Dallas, TX USA,

– Congress of Ultrasound, Washington, DC USA,



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