Privacy policy


This Statement of Privacy regulates the use of the software application for “Zan Mitrev” (“Application”) for mobile devices created by Blue Zone ltd. The application provides the users, directly through their mobile devices, to schedule examinations in the PHI Special Hospital for Surgical Diseases ZAN MITREV Skopje.

Processed personal data through the Application

The application processes the personal data that the users complete when they install the application and when they register through the application. In order to use the application, previous registration is required, whereby an available user name and password should be selected, which will be processed by the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje. At the same time, the following categories of personal data are collected and processed at the registration: name and surname, telephone number and email. The indicated personal data is required for the functionality of the application. There is a possibility to use the personal data of the users for temporary contact with them in order to transfer important information, required notifications, and promotions.

Automatically collected personal data

The application does not automatically collect and/or process the personal data of the users, such as: the type of the mobile device, the identification number of the mobile device, the IP address of the mobile device, information about user contacts, information regarding the registration of the users (to other applications), images, etc. The application does not collect and/or process information about the location of the mobile device of the users.

Access to the collected personal data through the Application

Only the aggregated, anonymized data is periodically transferred to external service providers in order to improve the application and the services it provides.

Access to personal data collected through the application to third parties is possible:

  • when it is required in accordance with the law;
  • when we consider that allowing access is necessary for: protection of the rights of the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje, consumer protection or protection of others entities, fraud investigation, or a response to a request from a state authority;
  • by trusted service providers acting in the name and on behalf of the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje, which do not have an independent need and benefit of the personal data to which they are given access, and which have agreed to adhere to the rules set out in this statement of privacy. Access of any third party to the personal data of the users during the provision of services in the name and on behalf of the PHI ZAN MITREV will be regulated by strict contractual restrictions in order to protect the personal data of the users and application of the applicable legal provisions in the field of protection and confidentiality of the personal data processing.

Termination of personal data processing

The users at any time can terminate the collection of personal data by the Application, by uninstalling the application. This can be done through the standard process of uninstallation which will be provided as a part of the mobile device or through the network or the market for mobile applications.

Processing and retention of users’ personal data

The PHI ZAN MITREV SKOPJE performs processing and retention of users’ personal data in accordance with the Plan for creating a system of technical and organizational measures for providing confidentiality and protection of personal data processing, the Act on the technical and organizational measures for providing confidentiality and protection of personal data processing, and the other rules in the field of personal data protection of the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje. The users’ personal data are retained during the use of the Application by them and within a reasonable time after the termination of its use. If the users want the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje to delete the processed personal data collected through the Application, they can inform us about this at, and they will receive a response within a reasonable time.

Security of the Application

Provision of protection and confidentiality of the personal data collected through the Application is care of the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje. For this purpose, the PHI ZAN MITREV provides technical and organizational measures for protection of the personal data that is collected, processed and stored through the Application. Taking this into consideration, although the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje strives to provide reasonable protection of personal data that is processed and stored, there is no security system that can prevent all its potential violations.


This Statement of Privacy can be temporarily updated depending on the needs of the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje. The users of the Application will be timely informed on any modifications by publishing the new Statement of Privacy through the Application or by email or sms message. It is recommended that all users of the Application regularly review this Statement of Privacy for any changes, considering that the use of the Application is considered approval of all changes.

Consent from the users of the Application

With the use of the Application, the users agree for the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje to process their personal data under the conditions indicated in this Statement of Privacy and its further modifications. Processing of personal data in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection (Official Gazette no. 7/05, no.103/08, no.124/10, no.135/11, and no.43/14) is every operation or a set of operations which are performed with personal data automatically or in another way, such as: collection, recording, organization, storage, adjustment or modification, withdrawal, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, publishing or otherwise making the data available, aligning, combining, blocking, deletion or destruction.


If the users of the Application have questions in regard to the confidentiality of the personal data during the use of this Application, or questions in regard to the practice of the PHI ZAN MITREV Skopje from this field, they can ask their questions by email on