After a successful heart surgery, a seven-month-old baby goes home

August 08,2020

Another baby left our clinic after a successful heart surgery. This tiny patient of ours who has just turned 7 months has been monitored by our doctors since its birth. At that time, it was hospitalized for the first time in our clinic, after which a complex heart defect was determined, which required a surgical treatment. In the past months, the baby had been monitored regularly until the time when our doctors decided that it was the best time to perform the surgery.

The postoperative recovery was quite fast. After a few hours it was extubated from breathing machine and no postoperative complications were observed, despite the fact it was a complex heart anomaly.

The whole team of Zan Mitrev Clinic wishes a successful recovery, good health and a happy childhood to the baby. We are here to see each other at the check-ups as well as to face all other challenges life can bring.