Successful recovery of a 7-month-old baby after a complex operation

July 07,2022

A 7-month-old baby was diagnosed with complex congenital Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defect, as well as Persistent Foramen Ovale, and has been followed at the Zan Mitrev Clinical Hospital since birth. Within that period, in addition to the congenital heart defect, frequent respiratory infections were also diagnosed in our pediatric cardiology outpatient clinic. Namely, respiratory infections are characteristic of infants with this type of heart defect. To ensure an adequate opportunity for operation and to prevent a possible postoperative systemic infection, local and systemic antibiotic therapy was applied.

The operation was successfully performed by Dr. Mitrev and his team, during which both heart defects were corrected in one act.

Postoperatively, the baby woke up relatively quickly; she was quickly weaned off mechanical ventilation and her vital parameters were stabilized accordingly. However, a third-degree atrio-ventricular block developed, for which a temporary pacemaker was inserted, which maintained the heart rate at a satisfactory level, but a subcutaneous pacemaker was required. An urgent purchase of an appropriately small pacemaker was organized and after only a few days it was placed by the experienced Dr. Gjorgov and Dr. Ugurov. The last measure ensured that the heart rate was adequate for the infant’s needs.

Now, the baby is thriving, happy, cheerful, and vital. We wish her and her parents good health.