00389 2 3091 484
August 6, 2019
For the first time in Macedonia, one of the most difficult and complex heart surgeries in children was successfully performed. The 2.9 kg new-born was diagnosed at the University Clinic for Paediatric Diseases and referred immediately to Zan Mitrev Clinic as an emergency.
After a proper preparation, the newly born patient was successfully operated on yesterday.
It is the so-called total transposition of the major blood vessels, one of the most complex anomalies of the heart, with all blood vessels coming out of the heart inversely, thus blood circulating in the opposite direction. These children are blue and die of oxygen deficiency shortly after birth.
The surgery was performed by Acad. Zan Mitrev MD, and all the surgical preparation, anaesthesia, cardiac perfusion, as well as the complex post-surgical management, was done by the surgical nurses, doctors and the staff of the Zan Mitrev Clinic.
It must be noted that no foreigners or advisors were included in this complex and extremely difficult task. With this surgery, both the “old” team and the “new” one – those who came from the state University Clinic – expressed great maturity for such medical accomplishments and have shown that they are already “one team”!