Third heart transplant successfully performed

When it comes to human lives, it does not matter if it is day or night, weekend or work day

According to the previous preparations, early this morning around 6:30 am, the team of cardiac surgeons started a transplantation of a heart from a deceased donor. In the premises of the state cardiovascular surgery department, Academician Dr. Zan Mitrev together with Dr. Nikola Hristov, Prof. Dr. Sasko Jovev, Dr. Marjan Sokarovski and Dr. Vasil Papestiev from the cardiovascular surgery department accompanied by a team of anaesthesiologists, cardiac perfusionists, instrumentalists, and nurses performed this operation which lasted about 5 hours , which is  officially the third completed transplantation in our country. The family of a deceased 40-year-old woman gave consent for her heart to continue beating in the chest of a 32-year-old woman.

Another two kidney transplantations are expected to be performed today.

Many thanks to all other doctors from the cardiovascular surgery department who took part, as well as to all other members of the Zan Mitrev Clinic team, such as Dr. Tanja Angjusheva, Aleksandra Temelkovska and Katerina Ristovska-Janev.

Of course, expressions of gratitude to Doc. Dr. Maja Mojsova Mijovska , the National Transplantation Coordinator, the Ministry of Health / Ministria e Shëndetësisëand the Minister Venko Filipcе.


With the beginning of the summer flight schedule at the Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle Airport and in accordance with the requirements of many countries for a mandatory negative COVID -19 test as a prerequisite for air travel, the Laboratory of Genetics and Personalized Medicine at the Zan Mitrev Clinic will provide Covid-19 testing, i.e., antigen testing at the Ohrid Airport just before passenger departure.

Tomorrow (Saturday May 8), our COVID-19 testing point will be set up near the entrance of the Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle Airport terminal.

The COVID-19 testing point will operate on days when there are flights to countries requiring a negative antigen test, 4 hours before the departure time.

The COVID-19 testing center of the Zan Mitrev Clinic provides convenience to all passengers traveling from the Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle Airport especially to EU / Schengen countries, so that they will have ample time to undergo antigen testing before entering the airport terminal and complete all airport procedures.

For more details, please contact the Zan Mitrev Laboratory at: +389 2 3091484 or visit our website at the following link: /.

For more information on tests accepted by EU / Schengen countries, please contact the Embassy of the country of your arrival.

If passengers decide to be tested at the Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle Airport, we urge them to arrive at the airport at least 4 hours before departure time, to avoid crowds and grouping in front of the airport terminal.

At the moment, our COVID-19 testing point at the Ohrid Airport provides antigen and PCR testing approved by the WHO.

For all other types of COVID-19 tests, we invite passengers to make them in an authorized laboratory before arriving at the airport.

Given the current situation in which the EU / Schengen countries are constantly changing travel rules related to COVID-19 and given the fact that each country independently makes changes in terms of travel restrictions for the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia, we appeal to passengers to check the latest travel requirements with their airline and the Embassy of the country of arrival before their flight.

The second heart transplant was done last night

A new chance for the 22-year-old boy to live

The second heart transplant was done last night

Top health professionals from the public and from the private health providers, have joined forces for a second time, for a higher goal – saving human lives. They have done a surgery that lasted four hours, in the premises of the state Cardio – Surgical clinic, last night, during which the 22-year-old boy had undergone a successful heart transplantation.

The team which had completed the surgery was led by the Academician D-r Jean Mitrev, together with D-r Nikola Hristov and prof. D-r Sasko Jovev, from the state Cardio – Surgical clinic. Many thanks to the other members of the team, from the Clinical Hospital Zan Mitrev, who took part: D-r Tanja Angjuseva, Aleksandra Temelkovska, Katerina Ristovska-Janev and Aleksandra Ristovska-Tunev.

Certainly, a great gratitude to The Ministry of Health and Venko Filipce

TAV Macedonia and Zan Mitrev Clinic with solution to the new travel restrictions: Rapid antigen tests at Skopje International Airport

In order to respond to the latest travel restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 by EU/ Schengen countries, TAV Macedonia together with Zan Mitrev Laboratory for Genetics created a solution for rapid antigen tests performed shortly before the passenger gets onboard.

Starting from Sunday, January 24, Zan Mitrev Clinic ambulance testing vehicle is deployed in front of the terminal building of Skopje International Airport, near the only open entrance for passengers “Departures C”, where passengers can perform the required rapid antigen test and obtain the result within 15 to 20 minutes of sampling.

The medical testing vehicle of “Zan Mitrev” Laboratory for Genetics and Personalized Medicine and the Research Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, will be present at Skopje International Airport every day when there are flights to countries that require rapid antigen test, four hours before take-off time to each of the destinations.

The aim is to provide an option for our passengers going to destinations in Netherlands, Germany and United Kingdom, so that they have enough time to perform a rapid antigen test before entering the airport building and starting the airport procedures, if they have not already taken the test before their arrival at the airport.

For more details about the test itself, we kindly advise passengers to contact the laboratory “Zan Mitrev” on +389 2 3091484  and . While for detailed information about the tests accepted by the countries of EU / Schengen, we urge passengers to contact their airline and the Embassy of the country of their arrival.

If passengers decide to perform a rapid antigen test at Skopje International Airport, in order not to create congestion in front of the airport building, we urge them to arrive at the Airport at least 4 hours before departure time.

As we have previously informed, Netherlands is requesting a mandatory negative rapid antigen test not older than 4 hours prior boarding, additionally to their request for a mandatory negative PCR test.

Germany requires a negative rapid antigen test approved by WHO not older than 48 hours, but they also accept PCR, or LAMP, or TMA tests.

The UK requires a negative antigen test not older than 72 hours, but they also accept PCR or LAMP tests.

At the moment, only the rapid antigen test approved by WHO can be performed at Skopje Airport through the services of Zan Mitrev Clinic. For all other COVID-19 tests, we urge passengers to perform it in an authorized hospital\laboratory prior they arrive at the airport.

Given that the EU/Schengen countries are constantly changing the travel rules related to COVID-19 and each country independently makes changes in terms of restrictions for the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia, we appeal to travelers before leaving for their trip, to check the latest requests with their airline and the Embassy of the country they plan to arrive.

Skopje, January 26th 2021

Clinical Hospital Zan Mitrev again achieves the Gold Seal of Approval as JCI-accredited organization

Once again the high standards of operation of our hospital have been confirmed

Even during a pandemic, the team of the Clinical Hospital Zan Mitrev has successfully verified its way of work for the second time as the hospital achieves reaccreditation by the Joint Commission International (JCI).

With the achievement of the “Gold Seal of Approval”, our strategic commitment to ensuring modern high-quality health care and patient safety was once again confirmed.

The first accreditation took place in 2017, ever since the daily application and observance of the standardized way of work has helped to increase patient satisfaction.

With the reaccreditation achieved now, the hospital has once again confirmed its commitment and dedication to providing quality and safe health services. This accreditation places Zan Mitrev Clinic on an equal footing with other accredited health organizations in the world.

“Being part of the JCI-accredited hospitals is prestige on a global level. JCI’s mission to continuously improve the safety and quality of care that patients receive is the main motto that guides and motivates our hospital in its daily work. Compliance with the strict standards of this accreditation is another proof of the continuous, quality and safe service provided by our hospital” – said Academician Dr. Zan Mitrev.

“We are proof that perseverance, organization and adherence to our principles are recognized and rewarded, regardless of where in the world you may be located. Certainly, the work of our team does not stop here, we remain fully committed to providing the best care of the well-being of our patients in the future.”

It should be noted that Zan Mitrev Clinical Hospital is among the few, a total of 4 hospitals in Europe, who dared to go through the recertification process in the year of the global pandemic.

JCI was established in America in 1997 as an independent, non-profit organization that accredits and certifies medical institutions around the world. The accreditation obtained by JCI is considered the Gold Standard in global healthcare in terms of service quality and patient safety.

Corona virus tests (SARS-CoV-2) from 1500 to 3000 den.

The numbers of those infected with the virus are skyrocketing, but not every fever and cough are COVID-19 related.

In order to properly detect the real cause, and thus to timely prevent the spread of the pandemic, in our genetic laboratory we have all different types of tests for the corona virus as well as for other seasonal viruses and bacteria available, with an analytical capacity of 2000 tests per day.

The most cost-effective option is the combined test which, in addition to COVID-19, detects seasonal flu (Influenza A and Influenza B) as well as other types of viruses typical for this time of year, at a price of 3000 denars.

For all those who want to do only a covid test, the following options are available: fast antigen test for 1500 denars and a standard PCR test for 2900 denars. We also offer group value tests for families and special group packages for companies are available.

The results are available in a period from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the type of the test.

The Zan Mitrev Clinical has been using PCR tests in its regular practice for several years, for simultaneous PCR detection of dozens of respiratory viruses and bacteria, which may also detect: only a Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), a combination of Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), influenza A / B, or Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) + 33 respiratory viruses and bacteria.

Please strictly follow the measures and recommendations, stay safe and protect yourself and your loved ones. React appropriately and timely in such situations. Make an appointment at 02 / 3091-484 or online:


Uncle Vancho was cured of coronavirus and underwent a leg peripheral bypass afterwards

  • I am Cholkov Vancho from Skopje and I came to the Zan Mitrev Clinic about a month ago. Before coming here, I had chest pain, a cold, and I was hospitalized in one of the state hospitals. After a few days in the state hospital, I realized that my condition was not improving and I was feeling even worse. It was clear to me that I had to find another solution and go to a private hospital. I told my wife that I wanted to be transferred to the Zan Mitrev Clinic and I was immediately brought there – this is how Mr. Cholkov began his story.

He was brought to our clinic in a serious condition and Covid 19-positive. Dr. Dragica Vezenkova Vuchkova, anesthesiologist and specialist in intensive care, talks about how his treatment started and what was its course.

  • The patient Vancho Cholkov came to our clinic at night in a severe, critical condition with peripheral saturation 40 and a diagnosis of Covid 19 pneumonia. We immediately took him to the intensive care unit at the Covid 19 Center and started the process of hemofiltration by CytoSorb and Oxyris filter. All laboratory parameters indicated this viral condition. The patient was also immediately placed on non-invasive mechanical ventilation with a Cipap mask, which he tolerated well. However, due to his difficult general condition proved by the serious chest X-ray finding, even with the Cipap mask he achieved a saturation of 70 to 75 – explains Dr. Vuchkova.

She adds that it is truly a wonder how the patient tolerated that saturation and how he performed all physical and recovery activities.

After the fourth day, a slight improvement in the patient’s clinical picture was observed. Uncle Vancho, as we called him during his stay in our hospital, continued the treatment in a good mood. He received 3 consecutive cycles of hemofiltration, and after 22 days of intensive care and treatment he went home Covid 19-negative in stable and good condition.

However, Uncle Vancho returned to our clinic after only two weeks, but this time to solve the problem with the blood flow in his legs. He immediately underwent a leg peripheral bypass, and after a short recovery, he went home.

We wish Uncle Vancho good health and a successful complete recovery.