Uncle Vancho was cured of coronavirus and underwent a leg peripheral bypass afterwards

Daily dose of health

October 10,2020

  • I am Cholkov Vancho from Skopje and I came to the Zan Mitrev Clinic about a month ago. Before coming here, I had chest pain, a cold, and I was hospitalized in one of the state hospitals. After a few days in the state hospital, I realized that my condition was not improving and I was feeling even worse. It was clear to me that I had to find another solution and go to a private hospital. I told my wife that I wanted to be transferred to the Zan Mitrev Clinic and I was immediately brought there – this is how Mr. Cholkov began his story.

He was brought to our clinic in a serious condition and Covid 19-positive. Dr. Dragica Vezenkova Vuchkova, anesthesiologist and specialist in intensive care, talks about how his treatment started and what was its course.

  • The patient Vancho Cholkov came to our clinic at night in a severe, critical condition with peripheral saturation 40 and a diagnosis of Covid 19 pneumonia. We immediately took him to the intensive care unit at the Covid 19 Center and started the process of hemofiltration by CytoSorb and Oxyris filter. All laboratory parameters indicated this viral condition. The patient was also immediately placed on non-invasive mechanical ventilation with a Cipap mask, which he tolerated well. However, due to his difficult general condition proved by the serious chest X-ray finding, even with the Cipap mask he achieved a saturation of 70 to 75 – explains Dr. Vuchkova.

She adds that it is truly a wonder how the patient tolerated that saturation and how he performed all physical and recovery activities.

After the fourth day, a slight improvement in the patient’s clinical picture was observed. Uncle Vancho, as we called him during his stay in our hospital, continued the treatment in a good mood. He received 3 consecutive cycles of hemofiltration, and after 22 days of intensive care and treatment he went home Covid 19-negative in stable and good condition.

However, Uncle Vancho returned to our clinic after only two weeks, but this time to solve the problem with the blood flow in his legs. He immediately underwent a leg peripheral bypass, and after a short recovery, he went home.

We wish Uncle Vancho good health and a successful complete recovery.