Тимот на Жан Митрев

Владимир Рендевски

Специјалист по неврохирургија


2016 – 2018

Постдипломски (докторски студии), доктор по медицински науки (PhD)- Медицински факултет, Ниш

2005 – 2015

Постдипломски (магистерски) студии, магистер по медицински науки (MSc) – Медицински факултет, Скопје

2005 – 2010

Специјалистички студии, доктор, специјалист по неврохирургија – Медицински факултет, Скопје


Додипломски студии, доктор по медицина – Медицински факултет, Скопје

2024 – во тек

Консултант неврохирург – Специјалист по неврохирургија, Клиника Жан Митрев, Скопје

2023 – во тек

Вонреден професор по хирургија и неврохирургија, Медицински факултет, Универзитет ,,Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Скопје

2022 – 2023

Заменик министер за здравство, Министерство за здравство, Скопје

2019 – 2023

Доцент по хирургија и неврохирургија, Медицински факултет, Универзитет ,,Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Скопје

2017 – 2022

Медицински директор, ЈЗУ Универзитетска клиника за неврохирургија, Скопје

2016 – 2019

Асистент по хирургија и неврохирургија, Медицински факултет, Универзитет ,,Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Скопје

2012 – во тек

спец. неврохирург, претседател на комисија за интрахоспитални инфекции ЈЗУ Универзитетска клиника за неврохирургија, Скопје

2010 – 2012

спец. неврохирург, ЈЗУ Клиничка болница ,,Д-р Трифун Пановски”, Битола

2005 – 2010

Доктор на специјализација по неврохирургија, ЈЗУ Клиничка болница ,,Д-р Трифун Пановски“, Битола

2005 – 2006

Асистент по хируршки гранки од медицината, Висока медицинска школа, Универзитет ,,Св. Климент Охридски“, Битола

Оперативни процедури од областа на неврохирургија:


– Клипсирање на аневризма
– Микрохирургија на артериовенски малформации (AVMs). Микрохирургија на каверноми
– Други васкуларни малформации дурални артериовенски фистули, длабока венска аномалија

Невро-онкологија (тумори на мозокот)

– Микрохирургија на тумор на мозокот:
– супра – и
– инфра- тенторијални тумори
– Микрохирургија на тумор на мозокот – метастази
– Микрохирургија на тумор на мозокот-комплексни тумори на базата на черепот
– Микрохирургија на тумор на мозокот-краниофарингиом – имплантација на Ommaya резервоар
– Микрохирургија на тумор на мозокот- орбитални тумори
– Аденом на хипофизата:
– трансназален транссфеноидален ендоскопски пристап
– транскранијален пристап

Спинална неврохирургија

– Предна цервикална дисцектомија и фузија
– Задна цервикална фораминотомија и спинална декомпресија
– Микродисцектомија (торакална, лумбална)
– Стеноза на ‘рбетниот канал – декомпресивна ламинектомија
– Задна лумбална меѓупршленска фиксација (PLIF)
– Микрохирургија на тумори на ‘рбетниот мозок и невромониторинг

Функционална неврохирургија

– Имплантација на вагус нерв стимулатор (ВНС) кај пациенти со медикорезистентна епилепсија – воведувач на методата во државата
– Тригеминална невралгија и синдроми на компресија на нерви – микроваскуларна декомпресија
– Фронтална и темпорална лобектомија Лезионектомија

Општа неврохирургија

– Епидурален хематом
– Акутен и хроничен субдурален хематом
– Депресивна поправка на фрактура на черепот
– Декомпресивна краниектомија
– Надворешна вентрикуларна дренажа
– Имплантација на IRRA FLOW, дволуменски дренажен систем кај пациентите со интравентрикуларна хеморагија – воведувач на методата во државата
– Краниопластика (замена на коскени дефекти)
– Поправка на истекување на цереброспиналната течност (ликвореа)
– Хидроцефалус-шантирање
– Проблеми со шантот
– Нервна биопсија
– Нервни тумори
– Сутура на нерв и процедура на ослободување од заглавување на нервот
– Ослободување на карпален тунел
– Декомпресија или транспозиција на улнарниот нерв
– Повреда на периферниот нерв

Детска неврохирургија
– Микрохирургија на Chiari малформации
– Поправка на краниосиностоза
– Поправка на енцефалоцела
– Поправка на миеломенингоцела
– Поправка на дермален синус на ‘рбетниот столб
– Микрохирургија со Tethered cord синдром
– Вентрикулоперитонеален шант
– Детска микрохирургија на тумори на мозокот и ‘рбетот

Стручни престои


Обука за ендоскопски трансназален транссфеноидален пристап за тумори во
селарна регија
Cerrahpasa Neurosurgery Clinic, Istanbul School of Medicine, Истанбул ментор: Проф. д-р Неџметин Танриовер


Обука за ендоскопски трансназален транссфеноидален пристап за тумори во селарна регија – Cerrahpasa Neurosurgery Clinic, Istanbul School of Medicine, Истанбул ментор: Проф. д-р Неџметин Танриовер

Курсеви и обуки


– Training and certificate for participation in the course: Thoracolumbar fixation course, OB Valdoltra – Анкаран, Словенија

– Training and certificate for participation in the course of continuous medical education under the title: “Fifth advanced course of interventional neuroradiology” – Association of neuroradiologists of Serbia Белград, Србија

– Participation in the course: “Education from interventional neuroradiology”, Special Hospital “St. Sava ” – Белград, Србија

– Training and certificate for participation in the course: Pre-meeting course – spinal instrumentation. Spine surgery in the XXI century – current concepts, controversies, perspectives. European Accreditation Council for Counting Medical Education- Ниш, Србија

– Participation in the course: “Endovascular procedures. Embolisation of intracranial aneurysms, AV malformations, PTA and stenting intracranial and extracranial stenosis 2018 with intracranial stents, ONIX and microcatheters”, Special Hospital “St. Sava” Белград, Србија

– Training and certificate for participation in the school: German-Macedonian tutorial on updates in pathology. European Accreditation Council for Counting Medical Education Скопје, Македонија

– Training and certificate for participation in the school: Cranial navigation course – Белград, Србија

– Training and certificate for participation at the National Symposium: “Stroke and Treatment” Special hospital “St. Sava” Белград, Србија

– Training and certificate for participation at expert meeting of the expert group: Spine experts Group Annual Meeting 2018 Загреб, Хрватска

– Pre-meeting course – spinal instrumentation. Spine surgery in the XXI century – current concepts, controversies, perspectives.
European Accreditation Council for Counting Medical Education – Ниш, Србија


– Educational course World Federation of Neurosurgical Society (WFNS) – Скопје, Македонија

– Аdvanced course in interventional neuroradiology
4th congress of neuroradiologists in Serbia Белград, Србија

– Training and certificate for participation in the workshop: Training session of Penumbra devices NeuronTM MAX, MAXTM System & 3DTM, PC400TM coils – Стразбур, Франција

– Training and certificate for participation in the workshop: 1st SeENS Spinal navigation workshop
Загреб, Хрватска


WFNS Educational course in Macedonia, Macedonian Neurosurgical Society – Скопје, Македонија


Educational course SURGERY OF THE MIDFACE – Скопје, Македонија


School of critically ill patients: monitoring, diagnosis, clinical decision – Скопје, Македонија


School of critically ill patients: a team approach in treating critically ill patients Скопје, Македонија


Учества на конгреси, конференции, семинари


– 63th International Neuropsychiatric Congress
,,Mind and Brain”, Предавач во пленарната сесија на Central and Eastern European Stroke, Society (CEES), Здружение за мозочен удар на централна и источна Европа Пула, Хрватска

– 7th Macedonian Congress for Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care – Охрид, Македонија


– Professional meeting with a workshop of the Macedonian Association for the Control of Intrahospital Infections (MZKIHI) – Битола

– Professional meeting with a workshop of the Macedonian Society of Pathology and International Society of Neuropathology with educational workshop and course in neuroscience and neuropathology – Скопје, Македонија.

– Professional meeting with a workshop of the Macedonian Association for the Control of Intrahospital Infections (MZKIHI) – Штип, Македонија

– 6th Congress of Macedonian Society for Transfusion Medicine with international participants
предавач – Скопје, Македонија

– 9th SNSS Annual Meeting & 10th SNSS Congress with international participation 100 years of neurosurgery in Serbia – Centennial anniversary
предавач Белград, Србија

– 62nd International Neuropsychiatric Congress ,,Mind and Brain”
1-ва награда на конгресот Пула, Хрватска


– 8th Annual Meeting of Serbian Neurosurgical Society with international participation “Current concept in military neurosurgery – The state in the field” предавач Белград, Србија

– 5th Congress of the Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society
предавач Опатија, Хрватска

– Professional meeting with a workshop of the Macedonian Association for the Control of Intrahospital Infections (MZKIHI) предавач – Велес, Македонија

– Professional meeting with a workshop of the Macedonian Association for the Control of Intrahospital Infections (MZKIHI) – Неготино, Македонија

– Experts meeting: Novelties in neurosurgery. Association of Neurosurgeons of Macedonia предавач – Скопје, Македонија

– The First World Conference Fighting COVID- 19 pandemic, Health Challenges COLLECTIVE KNOWLEDGE” министерски панел состанок Белград, Србија


– Spine Expert Group Meeting, предавач – Скопје, Македонија

– Professional meeting with a workshop of the Macedonian Association for the Control of Intrahospital Infections (MZKIHI) – Скопје, Македонија

– Virtual meeting of 7th Annual Meeting of Serbian Neurosurgical Society with international participation – Vita brevis, ars longa: Refining the art of neurosurgery

–  7th Congress of Macedonian Neurological Society, May, 2021, online

–  Virtual Meeting of World federation of scull base societies 2021eEANS2021 Virtual Congress


– Professional meeting with a workshop of the Macedonian Association for the Control of Intrahospital Infections (MZKIHI) – Скопје, Македонија

– Professional meeting with a workshop of the Macedonian Association for the Control of Intrahospital Infections (MZKIHI) – Велес, Македонија


– Professional meeting of the Macedonian Association for the Control of Intrahospital Infections (MZKIHI) – Скопје, Македонија

– Neurovascular conference – Истанбул, Турција

– Professional meeting with a workshop of the Macedonian Association for the Control of Intrahospital Infections (MZKIHI) – Пехчево, Македонија

– SNSS 5th Annual meeting 2019. Neurovascular supersessions: Exo? Endo? Hybrid? Quo vadis?
награда за најдобар научно-истражувачки труд за млади неврохирурзи, доделена од европска асоцијација на неврохирурзи и здружението на неврохирурзи на југоисточна европа -Крагуевац, Србија

– Society & 13th Annual Neurosurgery Nurses Meeting, предавач – Солун, Грција

– 33rd Annual Congress of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society, 4th Congress of SeENS SouthEast Europe Neurosurgical

– 59th International Neuropsychiatric Congress
,,Mind & Brain’’ 2-ра награда на конгресот

– 36th expert meeting of the Association of pathologists of Macedonia and association of neurosurgeons of Macedonia, предавач – Скопје, Македонија

– WFNS 2019 International meeting – Белград, Србија


– Spine surgery in XXI century-current concept, controversies, perspectives – Ниш, Србија

– 58th International Neuropsychiatric Congress ,,Mind and Brain” Пула, Хрватска


– 6th Macedonian Neurology Congress with International Participation – Охрид, Македонија

– 6th Congress of Radiologists of Macedonia with International Participation
предавач – Охрид, Македонија

– Macedonian-Japanese vascular neurosurgery meeting, Macedonian neurosurgical association
Скопје, Македонија


– Expert symposium on injuries and diseases of the spine: diagnostics and treatment of the guidelines. Macedonian Association for Orthopedics and Traumatology – Скопје, Македонија

– Expert meeting of Association of surgeons of Macedonia, предавач – Штип, Македонија


– Expert meeting: Marking of the World Stroke Day 29.10.2014, Association of neurologists of Macedonia – Скопје, Македонија

– Expert meeting: Modern anticoagulant therapy in the prevention of venous thromboembolism, Macedonian Association for Orthopedics and Traumatology – Скопје, Македонија

– Expert meeting: Use of new oral anticoagulants in patients with stroke, Neurology Association of Macedonia Скопје, Македонија

– Experts Meeting: Advances in Neurosurgery, Association of Neurosurgeons of Macedonia Скопје, Македонија

– Symposium: Advanced approach in the treatment of spinal pathology, Acibadem Sistina
Скопје, Македонија


– 1st Congress of southeast European neurosurgical society – SEENS Белград, Србија


– Seminar: lumbar disc hernia, Remedika – Скопје, Македонија

– Expert meeting expert group: Stroke, because we care, Association of neurologists of Macedonia
Скопје, Македонија


– 9th Annual Conference of SPINE EXPERTS GROUP – Скопје, Македонија


– Experts meeting: News in the treatment of glioblastomas, standards and dilemmas, Association of macedonian neurosurgeons Скопје, Македонија

– Experts meeting: Surgical anatomy supratentorial midline lesion, Lecturer: Prof. Ugur Türe, MD, Turkey, Association of macedonian neurosurgeons – Скопје, Македонија

– Experts Meeting: Epilepsy, activities and dilemmas in the conservative and surgical treatment, Association of macedonian neurosurgeons
Скопје, Македонија

– Experts meeting: Activities and dilemmas in the treatment of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages, Association of macedonian neurosurgeons – Скопје, Македонија

– 3rd Congress of surgeons of Macedonia – Скопје, МАкедонија


Seminar for Gamma knife radiosurgery, surgical treatment of movement disorders, role of stereotactic radiosurgery of malignant gliomas and brain metastases and new techniques in external beam radiotherapy, ACIBADEM HEALTHCARE GROUP – Скопје, Македонија


– 5th Zagreb International medical summit (ZIMS) for students and young doctors предавач

– 28th International medical student scientific congress, предавач – Охрид, Македонија


– 4th Zagreb International medical summit (ZIMS) for students and young doctors предавач
Охрид, Македонија

– 7th Balcan congress for medicine and dentistry for students and young doctors предавач
Охрид, Македонија

– 27th International medical student scientific congress – предавач – Охрид, Македонија


26th International medical student scientific congress
победник на конгресот Охрид, Македонија








– Годишна награда ,,Проф. д-р Епса Урумова“, за 2022 г., за најдобар научен труд од областа на медицинските науки, објавен во списанието: BRAIN PATHOLOGY, со фактор на влијание 9.011, доделена од Медицинскиот факултет Скопје и Фондацијата Урумови (2023);

– Победник на 62-тиот меѓународен конгрес по неврологија и психијатрија, Mind and brain’’, Пула, Хрватска (2023);

– Признание за највисоко рангиран научно-истражувачки труд од областа на медицината за 2022, доделено од Македонското Лекарско Друштво (МЛД), (2023);

– 2-ро место на 59-тиот меѓународен конгрес по неврологија и психијатрија
,,Mind and brain’’, Пула, Хрватска. (2019);

– Награда за најдобар научен труд за млад неврохирург, доделена од Европската асоцијација по неврохирургија (EANS) и Здружението на неврохирурзи на југоисточна европа (SeENS), на 5-от меѓународен неврохируршки самит во Крагуевац, Србија. (2019);

– Награда 13-ноември на Град Скопје од областа на здравството за 2021 г. за успешно извршена прва операција во Р. С . Македонија: имплантација на Вагус Нерв Стимулатор (ВНС), кај пациенти со епилепсија резистентна на лекови (заедно со група од оперативниот тим) (2022);

– Награда 4-ти ноември на општина Битола за 2020 г. од областа на здравстото (2021);

– Победник на 26-тиот Интернационален медицински студентски научен конгрес во Охрид (2003);

– Првенец на генерација (1994).

2024 – во тек

– Болнички координатор за трансплантација од областа неврохирургија
Министерство за здравство, Скопје

– Тим координатор на работна група за превод и стручна редактура на 809 (нови) упатства за практикување медицина базирана на докази од областа неврохирургија
Министерство за здравство, Скопје

– Рецензент на медицинското научно списание BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, дел од публикувачката групација WILEY Scientific journal BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, USA

2017 – 2022

– Член на Агенција за медицински лекови и средства на Макдонија (МАЛМЕД)
Агенција за медицински лекови и средства на Македонија (МАЛМЕД), Скопје

– Национален координатор од областа неврохирургија на министер за здравство на Р. С. Македонија

2014 – 2015

Предавач (дел од работната група) од Министерството за здравство на Република С. Македонија за спроведување на МБД (програма за медицина базирана на докази) теоретски и практичен дел, за едукација на избрани доктори Министерство за здравство, Скопје

– Лекарска комора на Македонија (ЛКМ)
– Македонско лекарство друштво (МЛД)
– Асоцијација на неврохирурзи на Р. С. Македонија
– Асоцијација на неврохирурзи на југоисточна Европа SeENS (Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society)
– Европска асоцијација на неврохирурзи EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies)

Публикации до 31.12.2018 година (рецензирани за избор во звањето: доцент)

  1. Spiroska E, Rendevski V. Diagnostic possibilities of EDI (Eating Disorder Inventory/ Garner et al. 1983) in detecting of Anorexia and Bulimia nervosa. 26th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2003, p. 210-211; (WINNERS OF THE CONGRESS);
  2. Mihajlovska A, Rendevski V. Succesfull prophylaxis and treatment of fungal infections in patients with acute leukemia. 27th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2004, p. 208-209;
  3. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Arsov V, Tolevska M. Ischaemic stroke due to Moyamoya disease. 27th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2004, p. 226;
  4. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A. Clinical staging on the admission as an impact to the functional outcome in patients operated on of cerebral aneurisms. 27th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2004, p. 271-272;
  5. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Arsov V. Correlation between the clinical condition of patient at their admittance in hospital and the clinical outcome in patients operated from the cerebral aneurysms. 27th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2004, p. 273-276;
  6. Toleska M, Stefanovski I, Todorov R, Spiroska E, Toleska N, Rendevski V. Evaluation of the causes of the neurotrauma. 27th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2004, p. 292-296;
  7. Mihajlovska A, Rendevski V, Pangovska I, Spiroska E, Arsov V, Pangovski I. Successful prophylaxis and treatment of fungal infections in patients with acute leukemia. 7th Balkan Congress of Medicine and Dentistry for Students and Young Doctors, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2004, p. 75;
  8. Rendevski V, Arsov V, Mihajlovska A. Severe laryngeal and bronchial spasm at patient with massive blood-loss. 7th Balkan Congress of Medicine and Dentistry for Students and Young Doctors, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2004, p. 76.9;
  9. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Arsov V, Pangovski I. Correlation between the clinical condition at admittance in hospital and the clinical outcome in patients operated from the cerebral aneurysms. 7th Balkan Congress of Medicine and Dentistry for Students and Young Doctors, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2004, p. 86;
  10. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Lazova E, Dimov A. Correlation between the extent of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) and the clinical outcome in patients operated from cerebral aneurysms. 4th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2004, p. 34;
  11. Dimov A, Trimceska K, Rendevski V. Treatment of hypovolemic shock in extensive burns in children’s age. 4th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2004, p. 56;
  12. Mihajlovska A, Rendevski V, Pangovska I, Spiroska E. Successful prophylaxis and treatment of fungal infections in patients with acute leukemia. 4th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2004, p. 58;
  13. Pangovska I, Spiroska E, Toleska M, Rendevski V. The treatment of spontaneous intracerebelar hemorrhages. 4th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2004, p. 60;
  14. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Lazova E, Dimov A. Correlation between the extent of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and the clinical outcome in patients operated from cerebral aneurysms. 4th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2004, p. 62;
  15. Rendevski V, Lazova E, Mitrevska B, Tanovska V. Amnioplastic as a treatment of children’s combustions. 4th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2004, p. 62;
  16. Arsov V, Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A. A case report of patient with severe laryngeal and bronchial spasm with massive blood loss. 8th International Congress for medical students and young doctors “MEDIS 2004”, Timisoara, Romania, 2004, http://www.umft.ro/rfmsa/medis2004/chiru.htm;
  17. Jordanoski G, Mihajlovska A, Rendevski V, Stojanovski B. Peritoneal dialysis in Republic of Macedonia. 28th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2005, p. 109;
  18. Stojanovski B, Mihajlovska A, Jordanoski G, Rendevski V. Urinary sediment-,,Repetitio”. 28th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2005, p. 112;
  19. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Pangovska I, Cvetanovska V, Dimov A, Pangovski I, Jordanoski G. First verified Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (case report). 28th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2005, p. 117;
  20. Rendevski V, Lazova E, Mitrevska B, Tanovska V, Mihajlovska A, Cvetanovska V, Pangovska I, Jordanoski G, Pangovski I, Dimov A. Amnioplastic as a treatment of children’s combustion. 28th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2005, p. 119;
  21. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Ljatifi A, Pangovska I, Shterjovska A, Pangovski I, Jordanoski G, Mangaroski D. Beacopp treatment as salvage therapy in patients with relapsed and/or refractory Hodgking’s disease. 28th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2005, p. 120;
  22. Pangovska I, Pangovski I, Rendevski V, Toleska M, Spiroska E. The treatment of intracerebellar hemorrhages. 28th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2005, p. 121;
  23. Rendevski V, Arsov V, Mihajlovska A, Pangovski I, Pangovska I, Jordanoski G, Toleska M. The newest epidemiological and clinical aspects of Sclerosis Multiplex in Macedonia. 28th International Medical Student’s Scientific Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2005, p. 124;
  24. Stoilova S, Rendevski V. Pollution of waters of the Prespa lake. 39th days of the preventive medicine, Nis, Serbia, 2005;
  25. Dimov A, Trimceska K, Stojkovski F, Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A. Anterior hypospadias treatment with snodgrass operative technique. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 38;
  26. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Rendevski A. The newest epidemiological and clinical aspects of multiple sclerosis in Macedonia whitin the period between December 1999-april 2004. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 56-57;
  27. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Lazova E, Rendevski A. The first patient in Macedonia with verified Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 109;
  28. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Pangovska I, Pangovski I. Comparative results between using the Foley’s catheter and prostaglandin vaginal tablets in cervical ripening of term pregnancies. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 109-110;
  29. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Rendevski K, Stoilov M. Epidemiological examination and results about the causes of neurotrauma. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 111;
  30. Rendevski V, Ivanoska A, Mihajlovska A, Stojanovski B. The first verified patient in Macedonia with ischaemic stroke due to MoyaMoya disease. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 112;
  31. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Mangaroski D. Patent foramen ovale (PFO)-a risk factor for cryptal cerebral stroke. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 113;
  32. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska A, Rendevski K, Rendevski A. Evaluation and comparative analyses of the scoring systems for traumatic brain injuries. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 114;
  33. Rendevski V, Pangovska I, Pangovski I, Rendevski K. Evaluation of the treatment and the outcome of the spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 115;
  34. Mihajlovska A, Rendevski V, Trimceska K, Dimov A. The comparative results and informations about analyses of the urinary sediment. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 116;
  35. Mihajlovska A, Rendevski V, Dimov A, Trimceska K. The latests results about the BEACOPP treatment as a salvage therapy in patients with relapsed and/or refractory Hodgkin’s disease. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 117-118;
  36. Mihajlovska A, Rendevski V, Mijakoski D, Rendevski A. Results about the peritoneal dialysis in the Republic of Macedonia in a period 1998-2005. 5th Zagreb International Medical Summit for Students and Young Doctors, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005, p. 118-119;
  37. Ivanoska A, Rendevski V. Prevention of diabetes mellitus in childhood (in extenso). 2nd Symposium of Health Colleges and Health Schools (with international participation), Belgrade, Serbia, 2006, p. 68-70;
  38. Rendevski V, Ivanoska A, Ristevska S, Mihajlovska A, Velkovska M, Rendevski A. (2006). Cerebral thrombosis- epidemiological characteristics and prevention (in extenso). 2nd Symposium of Health Colleges and Health Schools (with international participation), Belgrade, Serbia, 2006, p. 75-78;
  39. Blazevski B, Agai L, Rendevski V. The role of the clinical signs in prediction of lumbar disc extrusion (in extenso). Medicus 2010, Vol. XIII (1) 20-23, Macedonia, 2010, p. 20-23;
  40. Pangovski I, Rendevski V, Lozanche K, Blazevski B, Pangovski I, Shumkovski R, Mihajlovska-Rendevska A. Prognostic factors in survival of the patients with medulloblastoma in the adult population. 3rd Congress of surgeons of Macedonia with international participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2010, p. 43;
  41. Pangovski I, Rendevski V, Stolevski V, Mihajlovska-Rendevska A, Kostov M, Pangovska I. Surgical experience in 29 cases of patients with meningiomas in a posterior cerebral fossa. 3rd Congress of surgeons of Macedonia with international participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2010, p. 44;
  42. Rendevski V, Pangovski I, Blazevski B, Shumkovski R, Mihajlovska-Rendevska A, Pangovski I. Proliferative potential of the meningiomas with corellation of the clinical and radiological characteristics of the tumor. 3rd Congress of surgeons of Macedonia, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2010, p. 149-150;
  43. Stolevski V, Lozanche K, Lazareski A, Gavrilovska A, Kostov M, Rendevski V. Combined transnasal endoscopic and transcranial bifrontal approach in olfactorius meningeoma. 3rd Congress of surgeons of Macedonia, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2010, p. 155;
  44. Pangovski I, Shumkovski R, Gavrilovska A, Rendevski V, Pangovski I. Importance, relevance and significance of the treatment of spontaneous intracerebral haematomas (in extenso). Expert Meeting-Activities and dilemmas in the treatment of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (Proceedings), Association of the neurosurgeons of Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia, 2010, p. 2-7;
  45. Rendevski V, Mihajlovska-Rendevska A, Chaparoski A, Vrchakovski M, Angelovski N. (2011). Evaluation of clinical and magnetic resonance (MR) findings of posttraumatic syringomyelia with results of surgical treatment. 2nd International seminar for magnetic resonance imaging, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2011, p. http://www.mrbalkan.org/day3.html;
  46. Bundovska S, Mitreska N, Grunevski M, Miladinovska C, Veljanovski D, Rendevski V. (2011). Obstacles in early detection of lung cancer in the Republic of Macedonia. 9th Balkan congress of Radiology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2011, http://www.radiology2011.econgres.ro/uploads/program%20final_print_mic.pdf;
  47. Pangovski I, Sumkovski R, Rendevski V, Micunovic M, Ilievski B. (2013). Prognostic factors in the survival in patients with medulloblastoma in adult population (coauthor), 1st Congress of southeast European neurosurgical society – SEENS, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013, p. 120.
  48. Rendevski V, Chaparoski A, Mirchevski V, Jovkovski S, Pangovski I, Filipche V, Gavrilovska D. A, Elezi F, Kamiloski T, Baneva N, Nikodijevic D, Cvetkovska D, Novotni G, Aleksovski V, Lazarev M, Zahariev V, Micunovic M, Bajrami G, Zupanovski A, Shuntov B, Rendevska M. A, Stomnaroska D. O. Postoperative evaluation of the degree for relapse at tha patients with chronic subdural haemathoma In: Professional meeting of the Association of Surgeons of Macedonia, Shtip, 2015, p. 16-17;
  49. Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Gavrilovska A, Kostov M, Rendevski V, Elezi F, Shuntov B. Surgical treatment of single level degenerative cervical disc disease treated with ACDFP. 16th European Congress of Neurosurgery – EANS 2016, Athens, Greece;
  50. Rendevski V, Rendevska Mihajlovska A, Aleksovski V, Dolnenec Baneva N, Chaparoski A, Lazarevska M. The impact of glutamate in the development of brain edema in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). 6th Macedonian congress of radiology with international participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2016;
  51. 51. Rendevski V, Baneva N, Aleksovski V, Rendevska Mihajlovska A, Chaparoski A, Nikodijevic D. Prognostic role of plasma level of the glutamate in clinical outcome in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. 6th Congress of neurologists of R. Macedonia with international participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2016;
  52. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Kolevska M, Stojanov D, Dimitrovski K, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Aleksovski V, Petlickovski A, Trajkov D, Stojanoski K. Effects of data transformation on multivariate analyses in intracerebral hemorrhage. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 2016;62(2):37-42;
  53. Kolevska S. M, Aleksovski V, Rendevski V, Stojanoski K. H MRS metabolic quantitation methods in brain chemistry. 17th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis. Ohrid, Macedonia, 2017;
  54. Stojanoski K, Kolevska S. M, Rendevski V, Aleksovski V. Brain chemistry proteomic and MRI/MRS analysis tools. 17th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis. Ohrid, Macedonia, 2017;
  55. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Stojanov D, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Aleksovski V, Baneva Dolnenec N, Nikodijevic D, Gudeva Nikovska D. Validation of the ELISA Method for Quantitative Detection of TNF-α in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Open Access Maced J Med Sci.  2017 Oct 15; 5(6):703-707 ] https://doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2017.170;
  56. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Stojanov D, Aleksovski V, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Kolevska A, Stojanoski K, Gjorgoski I. Peripheral glutamate and TNF-α levels in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage: Their prognostic values and interactions toward the formation of the edemal volume. Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska. October 2017. DOI10.1016/j.pjnns.2017.10.003, IF: 0.87;
  57. Rendevski V, Stojanov D, Aleksovski B, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Chaparoski A, Ugurlar D, Aleksovski V, Baneva N, Gjorgoski I. Surgical outcome of patients with spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage. Acta facultatis medicae Naissensis 2017;34(4): 265-273. DOI: 10.1515/afmnai-2017-0028. IF: 0.14;
  58. Aleksovski B, Novotni A, Vujovic V, Rendevski V, Manuseva N, Neceva V, Filipce A, Risteski A, Aleksovski V, Gjorgoski I. Evaluation of peripheral serotonin content and α 2 -adrenergic receptor function as potential markers for life-long recurrent depressive disorder by using methodological improvements. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. December 2017. DOI10.1080/13651501.2017.1411516. IF: 1.174;
  59. Aleksovski B,  Neceva V,  Vujovic V, Manuseva N,  Rendevski V, Novotni A,  Filipce A, Spasovska A, Sofijanova A,  Aleksovski V, Gjorgoski I. SSRI-reduced platelet reactivity in non-responding patients with life-long Recurrent Depressive Disorder: Detection and involved mechanisms. Thrombosis Research 165:24–32. March 2018. DOI10.1016/j.thromres.2018.03.006. IF: 2.650;
  60. Aleksovski B, Rendevski V, Mihajlovska Rendevska A. Evaluation of the role and interactions among peripheral biochemical markers in depression and intracerebral hemorrhage: state biomarkers, prognostic factors and modeling of the outcomes in clinical decision making. 58th International Neuropsychiatric Congress – Mind & Brain, Pula, Croatia, 2018;
  61. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Stojanov D, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Aleksovski V, Gjorgoski I. Modeling prognostic factors for poor neurological outcome in conservatively treated patients with intracerebral hemorrhage: A focus on TNF-α. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 172 (2018) 51–58. June 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clineuro.2018.06.027. IF: 1.736;
  62. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Mihajlovska Rendevska A. Prognostic values of peripheral glutamate and TNF-α levels in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage. Conference: International Conference on Neurological Disorders, Stroke and CNS At: Athens, October 2018 Greece. DOI: 10.21767/2171-6625-C3-015;
  63. Zdravkovski P, Ilievski B, Janevska V, Jovanovik R, Cvetkovski P, Mirchevski V, Rendevski V, Aliji V, Zdravkovska M, Petrusevska G. Craniopharyngiomas: 20-year-period evaluation study. Conference: 30th European Congress of Pathology. Pathology: Path to Precison medicine. September 2018, Bilbao, Spain. Virchows Archiv (2018) 473 (Suppl 1):S27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00428-018-2422-1;
  64. Caparoski A, Rendevski V, Filipce V, Elezi F, Kostov M, Gavrilovska A, Shuntov B. Surgical treatment of single level disc disease treated with ACDFP. Spine surgery in XXI century-current concept, controversies, perspectives. October 2018, Nis, Serbia;

Публикации во периодот 2019-2023 (рецензирани за избор во звањето: вонреден професор)

Publications 2019-2023 (reviewed for selection in the title: associate professor)

  1. Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Rendevski V, Mircevski V, Shuntov B, Mircevski M.M. Surgical treatment of spinal dysraphism. A 25 years single centre experience. WFNS 2019 International meeting, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019;
  2. Rendevski V, Chaparoski A, Mircevski V, Filipce V,Ilievski B, Shuntov B. Тrends and innovations in the surgical treatment of glial tumors. 36th expert meeting of the Association of pathologists of Macedonia and association of neurosurgeons of Macedonia. April, 2019, Skopje, Macedonia;
  3. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Mihajlovska Rendevska A. Advanced 3D modelling for prediction and quantification of the perihematomal brain edema formation after intracerebral haemorrhage: implications of biochemical, radiological and clinical variables. 59th International Neuropsychiatric Congress ,,Mind & Brain’’, Pula, Croatia, 2019; p. 145; (2ND PRIZE AWARD);
  4. Chaparoski A, Shuntov B, Rendevski V, Mirchevski V, Filipce V, Gavrilovska A, Kostov M, Zhupanoski A, Shumkovski R, Elezi F, Kamilovski T, Mirchevski M.M, Kocevski I, Gjorgievska A, Jolevska K, Veljanovski H. Clinical experience in operative treatmrnt of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis without instability. EANS, Dablin, Ireland, 2019;
  5. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Shuntov  B, Stojanov D, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Aleksovski V, Gjorgoski I. The impact of TNF-α in prognostication of poor neurological outcome in patients after intracerebral haemorrhage. 33rd Annual Congress of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society, 4th Congress of SeENS SouthEast Europe Neurosurgical Society & 13th Annual Neurosurgery Nurses Meeting. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2019;
  6. Shuntov B, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Rendevski V, Mircevski V, Sumkovski R, Kostov M, Gavrilovska A, Zupanoski A, Elezi F, Kamiloski T, Kocevski I, Gjorgievska A, Mircevski M.M, Asani A, Veljanovski H, Jolevska K, Cokleska N. Case report of a long term survival in a patient with MGMT METH/IDH-1 mutation anaplastic oligodendroglioma WHO GR III. 33rd Annual Congress of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society, 4th Congress of SeENS SouthEast Europe Neurosurgical Society & 13th Annual Neurosurgery Nurses Meeting. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2019;
  7. Chaparoski A, Filipche V, Rendevski V, Mirchevski V, Elezi F, Shuntov B, Mirchevski M.M. Evaluating clinical outcome in treatment of posterior fossa pilocytic astrocytomas in pediatric population. 33rd Annual Congress of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society, 4th Congress of SeENS SouthEast Europe Neurosurgical Society & 13th Annual Neurosurgery Nurses Meeting. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2019;
  8. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Caparoski A, Filipce V, Shuntov B, Stojanov D, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Aleksovski V, Gjorgoski I. The role of TNF-α-based models in prognostication of the outcomes after ICH: a pilot study. SNSS 5th Annual meeting 2019. Neurovascular supersessions: Exo? Endo? Hybrid? Quo vadis?, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019; p. 117; (AWARD FOR THE BEST YOUNG NEUROSURGEON PAPER);
  9. Lazareska M, Janevski P, Kostov M, Caparovski A, Mircevski V, Bushinovska J, Rendevski V, Dodevski A, Shuntov B, Asani E. Challenges in endovascular treatment of wide neck aneurysms. SNSS 5th Annual meeting 2019. Neurovascular supersessions: Exo? Endo? Hybrid? Quo vadis?, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019; p. 132;
  10. Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Rendevski V, Lazareska M, Shuntov B. Management and evaluation of clinical outcome in patients with middle cerebral artery aneurysms treated with surgical clipping versus endovascular coiling. SNSS 5th Annual meeting 2019. Neurovascular supersessions: Exo? Endo? Hybrid? Quo vadis?, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019; p. 218;
  11. Mircevska Zogovska E, Mircevski V, Peev I, Ginoski V, Noveski L, Dzonov B, Rendevski V, Mircevski M.M. Complex scalp defect reconstruction – a case report. Приказ на случај за реконструкција на комплексен дефект на поглавина. Македонски медицински преглед. 2019; 73(1): 42-46; https://mld.mk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/MMP201973(1).pdf
  12. Rendevski V, Zupanoski A, Shuntov B, Simonovska R, Ackovska S. Нозокомијални инфекции во неврохируршка интензивна нега (ICU). Работилница на Македонското здружение за контрола на интрахоспитални инфекции. Велес, Македонија, 2020;
  13. Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Aleksovski B, Shuntov B, Aleksovski V, Mircevski M.M, Stoev V, Rendevski V. Contemporary aspects in the pathogenesis of brain edema in patients with hemorrhagic cerebrovascular insult. Journal of Morphological Sciences, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 91-96, july 2020. ISSN 2545-4706. Available at: http://www.jms.mk/jms/article/view/90;
  14. Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Aleksovski B, Shuntov B, Aleksovski V, Stojanov D, Durnev V, Lazareska M, Dimovska Gavrilovska A, Mishel Mirchevski M, Bajrami G, Stoev V, Zdravkovski P, ilievski B, Rendevski V. Role of the radiological variables, clinical picture, and values of C-reactive protein (CRP) and leukocytes in the brain edema development and early intrahospital mortality in patients with hemorrhagic cerebrovascular insult. Physioacta (Journal of Macedonian Association of Physiologists and Anthropologists). Vol. 14, No. 1. UDK: 616.831-005.1-097. 2020. p. 25-35;
  15. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Gjorgoski I, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Shuntov B, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Stoev V Aleksovski V4, Nikodijevic D, Baneva N, Petrovska Cvetkovska D, Zdravkovski P, Ilievski B, Stojanov D. The role of radiological variables and biochemical marker TNF-α for quantification and prognostication of clinical outcome in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. 7th Congress of Macedonian Neurological Society, May,2021,online. p. 26-27;
  16. D. Petrovska Cvetkovska, A. Taravari, N. Dolnenec-Baneva, I. Barbov, B. Ademi, C. Kerala, J. Bozinovski, D. Cibrev, V. Rendevski, M. Lazareska, B. Maksimovska. Early onset of dementia in stroke patients. 7th Congress of Macedonian Neurological Society, May,2021,online. p. 66;
  17. COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative* (Rendevski V). SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study. https://academic.oup.com/bjs/advance. British Journal of Surgery. 2021. 1-8. doi:10.1093/bjs/znab101.https://academic.oup.com/bjs/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bjs/znab101/6182412; IF: 11.122;
  18. COVIDSurg Collaborative* and GlobalSurg Collaborative* NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery, Birmingham, UK (Rendevski V). Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia. 2021. doi:10.1111/anae.15458; IF: 12.893;
  19. COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative* (Rendevski V). Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia. 2021. doi:10.1111/anae.15560; IF: 12.893;
  20. COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative* (Rendevski V). SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia. 2021. doi:10.1111/anae.15563; IF: 12.893;
  21. Zdravkovski P, Ilievski B, Janevska V,Jovanovik R, Cvetkovski P, Rendevski V, Shuntov B, Lazareska M,Zdravkovska M, Petrushevska G. Craniopharyngiomas: A 20-Year-Period Evaluative Single Center Study. Journal of Clinical and Surgical Pathology. Vol 3 | Issue 1 | Pages 16-20. 2021. DOI: 10.36959/724/314;
  22. Rendevski V. Surgical procedures in patients with single level cervical and lumbar disc herniation treated at PHI University clinic for neurosurgery Skopje. Symposium: Contemporary treatment of spinal disorderds. Macedonian Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Skopje, 3rd December, 2021;
  23. Rendevski V. Operative techniques and clinical experience in treatment of cervical disc disease on two levels in PHI UC for Neurosurgery Skopje. Spine Expert Group Meeting 2021. Skopje, North Macedonia, 10th -11th December 2021;
  24. Rendevski V. Vagus nerve stimulator implantation in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. Professional meeting of the association of neurosurgeons of North Macedonia: novelties in neurosurgery. Skopje, North Macedonia, June, 2022;
  25. NIHR Global Health Unit on Global Surgery*, COVIDSurg Collaborative*† – Rendevski V, (Member of the NIHR Global Health Unit on Global Surgery and the COVIDSurg Collaborative). Elective surgery system strengthening: development, measurement, and validation of the surgical preparedness index across 1632 hospitals in 119 countries. Lancet 2022; 400 : 1607–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01846-3. October 31, 2022; IF:168.9;
  26. Rendevski V. Predictive role of inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage on brain edema formation and prevention of delayed neurological deterioration. 5th Congress of Southeast European Neurosurgical Society (SeENS), Opatija, Croatia, September 21st -24th , 2022;
  27. Shuntov B, Filipce V, Rendevski V, Chaparoski A, Dimovska Gavrilovska A, Zhupanoski A, Durnev V. Case report of Th11—Th12 dorsolateral disc herniation associated with progressive spastic paraparesis treated surgically via dorsolateral pedicle sparing transfacetal microdiscectomy. EANS 2022 Annual Congress 16-20 October 2022, Belgrade, Serbia;
  28. Zdravkovski P, Ilievski B, Rendevski V, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Shuntov B, Kocevski I, Stojkovski I, Petrushevska G. Single-center descriptive statistical analysis of glial tumors with reference to glioblastomas. Journal of Morphological Sciences. DOI: 10.55302/JMS. December 2022;
  29. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Shuntov B, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Zupanoski A, Vućurevic A, Stefanoska E, Zdravkovski P, Gjorgoski I. Inflammatory and oxidative stress makers in intracerebral hemorrhage: preliminary new insights from machine learning and virtual models of interaction. 8th Annual Meeting of Serbian Neurosurgical Society with international participation “Current concept in military neurosurgery – The state in the field”. Belgrade, Serbia, on December 7-10, 2022. p. 303-304;
  30. Shuntov B, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Rendevski V, Mircevski V, Gavrilovska Dimovska A, Kostov M, Shumkovski R, Zhupanoski A, Elezi F, Kamiloski T, Kocevski I, Ilievski B, Zdravkovski P. Role of the intraoperative fluorescence in the extent of surgical resection of high-grade gliomas on prediction of clinical outcome and progression free survival. Case series. 8th Annual Meeting of Serbian Neurosurgical Society with international participation “Current concept in military neurosurgery – The state in the field”. Belgrade, Serbia, on December 7-10, 2022. p. 147-150;
  31. Chaparoski A, Filipche V, Rendevski V, Zhupanoski A, Gavrilovska Dimovska A, Kostov M, Chaparoski S, Shuntov B. Causes, treatment and outcomes in delayed deterioration after severe traumatic brain injury. 8th Annual Meeting of Serbian Neurosurgical Society with international participation “Current concept in military neurosurgery – The state in the field”. Belgrade, Serbia, on December 7-10, 2022. p. 78;
  32. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Hadzi-Petrushev N, Manusheva N, Shuntov B, et al. Inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in intracerebral hemorrhage: Relevance as prognostic markers for quantification of the edema volume. Brain Pathology. 2023; 33(2):e13106. https://doi.org/10.1111/bpa.13106; IF: 6.4;
  33. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Hadzi-Petrushev N, Gjorgoski I. Interactive mathematical software for the prediction of the risk of early in-hospital mortality in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage based on pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress markers: a challenge in modern clinical therapeutic strategies. MIND & BRAIN – 62nd International Neuropsychiatric Congress. (18th – 21st May, 2023. Pula, Croatia.) p. 59. ISSN 2469-5748; (1ST PRIZE AWARD);

Нерецензирани публикации (2023- )

  1. Demarin V, Budinčević H, Marčinko D, Sinanović O, Glasnović A, Rendevski V, Mimica N.. Chapter 32: ,,Mind & Brain” International Neuropsychiatric Pula Congress -Reflections on 60 Years of Tradition. Mind, Brain and Education, Springer Nature. p. 325-334. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-33013-1_32/ . September 2023; IF: 69.504;
  2. Drakalski F, Rendevski V, Shuntov B. Surgical treatment of giant tuberculum sellae meningioma clinically manifested by progressive vision loss. Case report conference, 11-13 March, Skopje, North Macedonia. p.31.
  3. Shuntov B, Filipce V, Chaparoski A, Rendevski V, Gavrilovska Dimovska A, Zhupanoski A, Zdravkovski P, Ilievski B. Fluorescence guided supramarginal resection of glioblastomas WHO grade 4. Results from monocentric prospective case series. European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS Congress September 24 – 28, Barcelona, Spain). p. 1089;
  4. Shuntov B, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Rendevski V, Zhupanoski A, Gavrilovska D. A, Mirchevski M.M, Davidovickj D, Taushanov M, Nehteparova M, Jakimovska M, Durnev V. Treatment of single and multilevel lumbar degenerative disc disease using minimally invasive tubular techniques. European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS Congress September 24 – 28, Barcelona, Spain). p. 1094;
  5. Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Rendevski V, Zhupanoski A, Gavrilovska Dimovska A, Elezi F, Jolevska K, Shuntov B. Surgical treatment of spinal dysraphism. A 29 years single centre experience. European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS Congress September 24 – 28, Barcelona, Spain). p. 1512;
  6. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B, Mihajlovska Rendevska A, Shuntov B, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Zupanoski A, Vućurević A, Stefanoska E, Zdravkovski P, Gjorgoski I. Role of inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in intracerebral hemorrhage: our experience in predicting posthemorrhagic cerebral edema. Neurohirurgija. The Serbian Journal of Neurosurgery. Vol. 3 No. S1 (2023): Vol. 3 No. S1 (2023): Abstracts from the 9th Annual Meeting of SNSS. p.32. Serbian Neurosurgical Society. ISSN 2955-9170 (Online) 2955-9162 (Print). https://neurohirurgija.com/neurohirurgija/issue/view/7/11.
  7. Shuntov B, Caparoski A, Filipce V, Mircevski V, Rendevski V, Gavrilovska Dimovska A, Shumkovski R, Zhupanoski A, Elezi F, Kamiloski T, Kocevski I, Davidovikj D, Nehteparova M, Jolevska K, Jakimovska M, Bajlozov M., Mircevski MM, Stoev V, Veljanovski H, Asani E, Renda E, Zdravkovski P. The Serbian Journal of Neurosurgery. Vol. 3 No. S1 (2023): Vol. 3 No. S1 (2023): Abstracts from the 9th Annual Meeting of SNSS. p.108. Serbian Neurosurgical Society. ISSN 2955-9170 (Online) 2955-9162 (Print). https://neurohirurgija.com/neurohirurgija/issue/view/7/11.
  8. Filipche V, Rendevski V, Chaparoski A, Mircevski V, Shumkovski R, Zhupanoski A, Elezi F, Shuntov B, Jolevska K. Role of risk factors on the rebleeding rate in patients with aneurysmal SAH. Retrospective review of our institutional data registry. The Serbian Journal of Neurosurgery. Vol. 3 No. S1 (2023): Vol. 3 No. S1 (2023): Abstracts from the 9th Annual Meeting of SNSS. p.118. Serbian Neurosurgical Society. ISSN 2955-9170 (Online) 2955-9162 (Print). https://neurohirurgija.com/neurohirurgija/issue/view/7/11.
  9. Rendevski V. Secondary induced coagulopathy by traumatic brain injury: case series and our institutional experience. 6th Congress of Macedonian Society for Transfusion Medicine with international participants. (Skopje, North Macedonia, 2023). p. 122;
  10. Zdravkovski P, Ilievski B, Rendevski V, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Zupanoski A, Gavrilovska AD, Shuntov B, Stolevski V, Stojkovski I, Lazareska M, Rendevska AM, Petrushevska G. Unveiling The Neuropathology Tumour Landscape: 10-Year Statistical Analysis With Global Comparison – Single Centre Experience. Pril (Makedon Akad Nauk Umet Odd Med Nauki). 2023 Dec 18;44(3):17-26. doi: 10.2478/prilozi-2023-0043. PMID: 38109442;
  11. Rendevski V. Inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in intracerebral hemorrhage: Relevance as prognostic markers for quantification of the edema volume. Journal club Bratislavskej neurochirugie. (Bratislava, Slovakia, 2023);
  12. Rendevski V, Filipce V, Zupanoski A, Kamilovski Tomi, Shuntov B, Durnev V. Secondary coagulopathy in traumatic brain injury. 7th Macedonian Congress for Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care. (Ohrid, North Macedonia, 2024). p. 152;
  13. Shuntov B, Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Rendevski V, Gavrilovska A, Mirchevski M.M, Durnev V. Evaluation of predictors for clinical outcome and anti-epileptic drug dependence after surgical treatment of tumor – related epilepsy. 7th Macedonian Congress for Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care. (Ohrid, North Macedonia, 2024). p. 152;
  14. Chaparoski A, Filipce V, Rendevski V, Gavrilovska Dimovska A, Elezi F, Shuntov B. Surgical and anesthesiological consideration in posterior fossa surgery. 7th Macedonian Congress for Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care. (Ohrid, North Macedonia, 2024). p. 120.
  15. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B. Predictive mathematical models for the quatification of perifocal brain edema in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, based on the investigated biomarkers of our 10 year clinical studies. MIND & BRAIN – 63rd International Neuropsychiatric Congress. (30th – 2nd June, 2024. Pula, Croatia). p. 31. ISSN 2469-5748;
  16. Rendevski V, Aleksovski B. Chapter: The role of glutamate in pathogenesis of brain edema in intracerebral hemorrhage [Internet]. Two Sides of the Same Coin – Glutamate in Health and Disease [Working Title]. IntechOpen; 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1005418;




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