Тимот на Жан Митрев

Ѕвонко Атанасов

Спец. по радиодијагностика



Магистер на медицински науки

2002 – 2004

Постдипломски студии

2000 – 2005

Специјализација по радиологија (Специјалист радиолог)

1989 – 1995

Медицински факултет, Скопје, Македонија (Доктор на медицина)


2008 – денес

Жан Митрев Клиник, специјалист по радиодијагностика

2006 – 2008

Радиолошко одделение, BWZK, Koblenz, Deutschland, специјалист радиолог

2000 – 2006

Радиолошко одделение во Воена болница Скопје, специјалист радиолог

1997 – 2000

Воена амбуланта, општ лекар


MRI school, Leipzig, Deutschland


Perihperal vascular intervention – Tips & Tricks Workshop, June, Ohrid, Mazedonien


Regional training course on quality assurance and quality management systems for diagnostic radiology, IAEA, May, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina


I.N.V.E.S.T. Improvements & News in Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Thessaloniki, Meeting 2017, September, Thessaloniki, Greece


CIRSE, Barcelona, Spain


Bonner Interventionsradiologie, Bonn, Deutschland


Hospitation in der Radiologischen Abteilung, Univaersitaetskrankenhaus, Hradec Kralove, Tschech Republik


Neuroradiology School, Belgrade, Serbia


MRI School, Novi Sad, Serbia

2014Hospitation in der Radiologischen Abteilung, National Institute for cardiovascular disease, Bratislava, Slowak Republik


FIT – Francfurter interventionellen Tage, Frankfurt, Deutschland


BEC – Balcan Endovascular Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria


Hospitation in der Radiologischen Abteilung, Јоhann Wolfgang Goette Univaersitatsklinikum, Frankfurt, Deutschland


BEC – Balcan Endovascular Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria


Venous Endovascular Forum – New horizon, Euromedic Clinic, Katowice, Poland


CCSVI Conference – Step forward, Essential Clinic, Glasgow, Scottland, UK


Symposium fuer Multi slice Computer Tomography, DGR, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Deutschland


Workshop “CT virtuel colonography and colonoscopy”, ESGAR (European Society for Gastrointestinaln and Abdominal Radiology), Stresa, Italy


“Hands on” Training Kurs fuer Minimumum Invasive techniques and Embolization procedures, “Cook medical”, Univaersitaet Saragosa, Spain


„First international Seminar for Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Republic of Macedonia“, Ohrid, Mazedonien

2007 – 2008

Стручно усовршување, Централна воена болница, Koblenz, Deutschland


Курс за справување со стрес, München, Deutschland


Курс за ургентна медицина, Moudou, Schweiz





  • РТГ прегледи – сите видови


  • МСКТ прегледи – сите видови
  • МСКТ ангиографии – сите видови (коронарографии, деца)
  • МСКТ виртуелна колоноскопија и бронхоскопија
  • Биопсии под контрола на КТ – сите видови
  • ПРТ – перирадикуларна терапија под контрола на КТ


  • Периферна селективна артериографија
  • ПТА/стентирање на периферни артерии
  • Периферни флебографии
  • Фистулографии
  • Ретроградна пиелографија
  • Селективна флебографија на југуларни вени
  •  ПТА (балон дилатација) на југуларни вени
  • Емболизација на артериски крвни садови
  • Емболизација на варикоцели
  • ТАЦЕ (трансартеријална хемоемболизација
  • Перкутана дренажа на апсцеси
  • Перкутана нефростома
  • ТЕВАР (thoracic endovascular aortic repair)

  • Македонско лекарско друштво
  • Eвропско радиолошко здружение
  • Eвропско здружение за кардиоваскуларна и интервентна радиологија

1 – Retrospective analysis of treatment in military ambulance
Z.Atanasov, D.Stojanovic, A Ristevski, I.Gligorov
15 Congress of medical doctors of Macedonia, October 6-10, 1999/Ohrid

2 – Musculoskeletal infections of the extremities: Ultrasound features
Z.Atanasov, B.Prgova, N.Kirijas, V.Tolevska, D.Gjurchinov
European Congress of Radiology, March 7-11, 2002/Vienna/Austria

3 – Effect of Glucagons to the patient’s comfort during double Barium-enema examination
Z.Atanasov, M.Zafirov, V.Spirov, B.Prgova.
16 Congress of medical doctors of Macedonia, Juni 4-7/Ohrid

4 – Importance of the CT diagnostic in early detection of bronchial carcinoma
Z.Atanasov, B.Prgova, S.Kusakatski, M.Rizinski, D.Gjurchinov
2nd Balkan Radiology Forum, September 8-12, 2004/Ohrid/Macedonia

5 – Arnold-Chiari Malformation type I in an adolescent: a case report
Z.Atanasov, B.Prgova, G.Damjanoski, D.Mihajlovski, S.Netkov
2nd Balkan Radiology Forum, September 8-12, 2004/Ohrid/Macedonia

6 – Right coronary ostium agenesis – a case report
Atanasov, L. Veljanovska, B. Bozinovska, I. MIlev, S. Idrizi, M. Klinceva, Z. Mitrev
Heart Surgery Forum Journal, Septemeber 2009, pp-108, Volume 12, Suppl.1

7 – ALCAPA Syndrom – a case report
Atanasov, L. Veljanovska, B. Bozinovska, I. MIlev, S. Idrizi, V. Ampova, Z. Mitrev
Macedonian Congress of Cardiology, 2.-5. Juni 2010, Ohrid

8 – Intramuscular cavernous haemangioma in the left soleus muscle: successful surgical treatment.
Hristov, Z. Atanasov, G. Zafiroski, Z. Mitrev
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2011 Aug 18.

9 – Transcatheter embolization procedures in different pathological conditions in abdomen and pelvis
Atanasov, I.Milev, S.Idrizi, V.Ampova-Sokolov, Z.Zimbakov, T.Angjuseva, E.Idoski, Z.Mitrev
XI Balkan Congress of Radiology, 03-06 October 2013/Ohrid/Macedonia

10 – Transcatheter embolization for acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB) – a case report
Z.Atanasov; B. Bozinovska; L. Veljanovska-Kiridjievska; I. Milev; S. Idrizi; V. Ampova-Sokolov; Z. Zimbakov; Z. Mitrev
XI Balkan Congress of Radiology, 03-06 October 2013/Ohrid/Macedonia

11 – Detection and follow up of colorectal polyp  with virtual colonoscopy (VC)
– a case report
Z.Atanasov, L.Veljanovska-Kiridjievska, B.Bozinovska, I.Milev, S.Idrizi, V.Ampova-Sokolov, Z.Zimbakov, Z.Mitrev
XI Balkan Congress of Radiology, 03-06 October 2013/Ohrid/Macedonia

12 – Peripheral artery disease
Atanasov, I. Milev, Z. Zimbakov, V. Ampova – Sokolov, S.Idrizi
Workshop, December 2015, Ohrid

13 – The value of the radiographical investigations in the diagnosis of the soft tissue tumours
V.Tolevska, Z.Atanasov, G.Zafirovski, N.Kirijas, M.Samardziski
3 Congress of the radiologists of Macedonia, Juni 12-16, 2002/Ohrid

14 – Paresis of the left recurrence nerve: CT and fiberoptic bronchoscopy correlation
D.Gjurchinov, E. Kovkarova, Z.Atanasov, S.Temelkovska, O.Jovkovski
3 Congress of the radiologists of Macedonia, Juni 12-16, 2002/Ohrid

15 – Importance of HRCT in the differential diagnosis of pneumothorax and emphysematous bullas
D.Gjurchinov, L.Veljanovska, Z.Atanasov, M.Lazarevska, P.Pavlovic
3 Congress of the radiologists of Macedonia, Juni 12-16, 2002/Ohrid

16 – Radiological evaluation of double urinary excretory system and ureterocela: a case report
M.Zafirov, Z.Atanasov, B.Prgova
4 Congress of the radiologists of Macedonia, September 8-12, 2004/Ohrid

17 – Subjective differences in defining gross tumor volume using spiral computed tomography and 3D treatment planning software in patients with NON-SMALL-CELL Lung cancer
Stojkovski.I, Veljanovska.L, Stojkovska. E, Atanasov.Z
11thWorld Conference on Lung cancer July 2005 Barcelona, Spain.
Book of Abstracts

18 – Congenital aortic stenosis – a case report
I. MIlev, S. Idrizi, V. Ampova, B. Bozinovska, , Z. Atanasov, L. Veljanovska, J. Sorko, Z. Mitrev
4. Macedonian Congress of Cardiology, 2.-5. Juni 2010, Ohrid

19 – Preoperative 64-row-detector angiography for carotid artery stenosis in patients scheduled for coronary artery bypass surgery.
Bozinovska, Z. Atanasov, L. Veljanovska
4. Macedonian Congress of Cardiology, 2.-5. Juni 2010, Ohrid

20 – The benefit of 64 multidetector computer tomography (MDCT) prior to invasive coronary angiography in symptomatic post CABG patients – our experiences
L. Veljanovska, Z. Atanasov, B. Bozinovska, S. Idrizi, V. Ampova-Sokolov, I. Milev, T. Angjuseva, Z. Mitrev

4. Macedonian Congress of Cardiology, 2.-5. Juni 2010, Ohrid

21 – Assesment of coronary arteries with ECG GATED 64 multidetector computer tomography (MDCT) in patients with suspected aortic dissection Stanford type A
L. Veljanovska, Z. Atanasov, B. Bozinovska, S. Idrizi, V. Ampova-Sokolov, I. Milev, T. Angjuseva, Z. Mitrev
4. Macedonian Congress of Cardiology, 2.-5. Juni 2010, Ohrid

22 – Diagnostic accuracy of coronary angiography with 64-slice MSCT in asymptomatic patients prior to non coronary vascular operations in comparison with conventional angiography – our experiences
L. Veljanovska, Z. Atanasov, B. Bozinovska, S. Idrizi, V. Ampova, I. Milev, Z. Mitrev;
October 2009, Leipzig Germany ESCR

23 – Evaluation of the soft tissue tumors with 64 slices Computed Tomography – A case report
B. Bozinovska, L. Veljanovska, Z. Atanasov, Z. Mitrev.
3 –th Congress of International Macedonian Association of orthopaedics and traumatology – Ohrid, May 2009

24 – Aneurysm of thoracic aorta: usefulness   of 64 MSCT in taking decision for further treatment
Bozinovska B., Atanasov.Z, Kiridzievska- Veljanovska L, Anguseva T. , Mitrev Z
XI Balkan Congress of Radiology, 03-06 October 2013/Ohrid/Macedonia

25 – Evaluation of coronary arteries with ECG gated 64-MDCT in patients with aortic root pathology – our experiences
Veljanovska-Kiridjievska.L., Atanasov.Z., Bozinovska. B., Idrizi.S.,Ampova- Sokolov.V.,Milev.I., Angjuseva.T., Mitrev. Z.
XI Balkan Congress of Radiology, 03-06 October 2013/Ohrid/Macedonia


Останати доктори од овој оддел

Билјана Божиновска

Д-р Билјана Божиновска

Спец. по радиодијагностика


Види го профилот
Лидија Вељановска Кириџиевска

Д-р Лидија Вељановска Кириџиевска

Спец. по радиодијагностика


Види го профилот
Елена Пижула

Д-р Елена Пижула

Спец. по радиодијагностика


Види го профилот
Магделена Поповска Цветкова

Д-р Магделена Поповска Цветкова

Спец. по радиодијагностика


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Милан Ристески

Д-р Милан Ристески

Специјалист по онкологија


Види го профилот
Мимоза Толевска

Д-р Мимоза Толевска

Спец. по радиодијагностика


Види го профилот
Африм Халим

Д-р Африм Халим

Спец. по радиодијагностика


Види го профилот